Simple beauty recipes: Pumpkin Mask

Simple beauty recipes: Pumpkin Mask
 Pumpkin, thanks to its rich composition, is successfully used not only for food, but also the home of cosmetology as face masks. Coloring pigment carotene, granting her juicy orange is a provitamin A. That it is necessary for health and beauty skin. No less useful and pumpkin seeds. They have a lot of zinc, fat, vitamin B. They give the skin a healthy glow and elasticity.  
 To prepare the pumpkin mask used raw, cooked, baked in foil pulp and crushed seeds. Depending on the skin type is added thereto additional ingredients with tonic or softening effect. Also suitable and pumpkin broth, not only for masks. Because it makes the warm lotion on the face, chest area, the roots of the hair and baths for hands.

Suffice it 1 time a week to do a mask of pumpkin to saturate the skin a mass of useful substances. And the mixture is well absorbed, it must be applied in the form of heat, and then the coating film with slits for eyes and nose.

Pumpkin mask for dry skin

Mash the pulp 2-3 tablespoons boiled, steamed or baked pumpkin. To make the mask softening properties, add egg yolks, ½ tablespoon unrefined vegetable oil, 1 tsp honey. Apply the warm mixture to cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin mask for aging skin

Mash the pulp of raw or cooked pumpkin. Add the fat sour cream or milk, ghee, solution of vitamin A and E of 2 capsules (pharmaceutical preparation "Aevitum"). Apply to face and after 15 minutes, remove with a spatula or a cotton pad and then rinse with water.

Mix equal amount of lightly pressed pulp raw pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. Wrap the resulting mixture in several layers of cheesecloth and attach to the face for 15 minutes. This mask pumpkin has a tonic, smoothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pumpkin Mask for oily skin

2-3 tablespoons raw pumpkin pulp, add 1 tsp shredded bran or oatmeal, egg protein and a few drops of lemon juice. Put weight on your face and keep for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. After the procedure, you can use a moisturizer.

The mask of pumpkin for pigmented skin

Pour the chopped pumpkin seeds a small amount of hot water (not boiling!). Hold for 30 minutes and strain the mixture through cheesecloth. The resulting milk is used for wiping pigment spots and freckles. To eliminate them, and at the same time give the skin a beautiful shade of pumpkin jelly mix with the juice of the pumpkin.

The mask of pumpkin against edema

To eliminate edema suitable warm mask of cooked pumpkin with honey and green tea (2-3 spoons of pulp 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp freshly brewed tea). This mask improves blood flow to the skin and limfootok, and this accelerates the removal of the cells and tissues of excess fluid.

These proportions, as well as ingredient structure masked pumpkin are conditional. They may well be changing and strongly vary. This does not affect the result, because the skin is able to absorb only a certain amount of nutrients.

Tags: leather, mask, beauty, dry, recipe