Moles: dangerous or safe?

Moles: dangerous or safe?
 Moles are the weak points of the skin. They occur regardless of whether you want it or not. In principle, they do not interfere, so special attention to them and no one pays. But it also happens that the moles become inflamed and turn into melanoma. So how do you need to treat them?

Moles - is a modified skin. They can be placed anywhere. So have the newborns. However, most of them will be a little later. With the increasing growth of the child, moles as well increase.

Changes that occur with moles, most manifest in adolescence, at a time when activity occurs puberty. Women who are expecting a baby, too often notice that their body there are more moles. This is because when the body comes in pregnancy rearrangement endocrine system. As a result of hormonal treatment as well there is a lot of moles.

Ultraviolet radiation has a great influence on the changes in moles. So after tanning many note the appearance of moles, besides some of them modified.

If you notice a mole that suddenly begins to change its structure and appearance, it is necessary to appeal to the specialist. After all, only a doctor can accurately determine whether your mole is safe, or it will go into melanoma. The name is derived from melanoma cells melanocytes. It is they who form it. They continually multiply their number is constantly growing, as well as and sizes. In other words, melanoma - a type of tumor.

This degeneration occurs very quickly. If the mole is something hurt, then, trying to "fix the damage", melanocytes cells actively proliferate. If a person has a hereditary, hormonal or immunological predisposition to develop tumors, its birthmark likely turn into melanoma.

And when the moles should be removed? If they do not cause any anxiety, it is better not to touch them. But if the mole interferes, then you need to see a specialist, and he will decide whether or not to remove it. Removal of moles should be performed only in a hospital. Prior to this, it is necessary to carry out all the recommended research and analysis.

Tags: birthmark