Laser skin biorevitalization

Laser skin biorevitalization
 Stop skin aging 10-15 years, restore youth to old age and get rid of hyperpigmentation is possible by means of laser biorevitalisation skin. This procedure reduces to the effects of the applied laser beam on the skin with hyaluronic acid gel. The method also has a tightening effect and helps to restore collagen and elastin synthesis.

Among the methods of skin rejuvenation laser takes its rightful place biorevitalization. You can translate this word as "biological recovery". Secret recovery is that with laser and a gel containing a hyaluronic acid production processes run collagen and elastin, as well as the synthesis of these substances on problem areas of the skin.

This method does not provide for the introduction of injection under the skin of hyaluronic acid as it was previously in cosmetology. That is, the technique is not traumatic.

After the procedure there is no swelling of the skin, papules and other redness. Therefore, it can be used even prone to allergic reactions patients.

Biorevitalization skin is preventive and curative. In the first case, the procedure chosen by people with early signs of aging neck, face, hands and décolleté. Usually only two sessions with mandatory break for 10-30 days.

In the second case - those whose skin undergoes a pronounced aging process. Here we need to 7 sessions with breaks of the same duration. Time "rest" determined by a specialist depending on the patient's skin.

Unlike prophylactic treatment course from that during treatment of tissue affected more profoundly.

In each situation beautician starts with superficial peeling, that is to remove keratinized epidermis. Next on the problem area is applied a special gel, which included low-molecular hyaluronic acid.

This material is capable of self-saturate only the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, he comes to the aid of a laser. Such treatment of the skin makes it possible to open channels of the stratum corneum skin, through which passes hyaluronic acid, creating a certain margin.

Furthermore, the laser radiation has a lifting effect. Stimulate the formation of waves in the dermis of natural collagen and elastin. That is launching a "dormant" processes.

The session lasts 30 minutes. After his graduation skin smear moisturizer. And to support the rejuvenation effect is recommended for patients to drink on a daily basis up to three liters of water.

In some cases, laser shows biorevitalization skin? When:

1. dryness;

2. premature aging associated with an unfavorable environment, smoking, illness, stress;

3. photoaging and hyperpigmentation (eg, due to private solarium);

4. Preparation for plastic surgery.

Biorevitalization skin is able to regain its elasticity and beauty when not helping popular expensive cream. The result - a smooth terrain, clear trim circuit, wrinkle reduction, improved color and increase the percentage of moisture. That is apparent rejuvenation, which persists for a long time with proper supportive care.

Tags: skin, face, laser, contrast, biorevitalization