How to tan quickly

How to tan quickly
 Golden tan is able to make a woman irresistible and attract the attention of people around them. To create this effect and make the most of your stay in the sun, it is necessary to observe a few rules and tips.
 Start sunbathing should be gradually increasing the residence time in the sun. So, the first 2-3 days were carried out on the beach for 15-20 minutes, then you can gradually extend the time. This will allow you to quickly get a tan without exposing your skin at risk.

The most effective clock Sun is considered the morning period up to 11 hours and the afternoon with 16. It was lunch time and maximum solar activity the sun's rays not only contribute to sunburn as irritating to the skin. Therefore, in these hours, try to refrain from sun exposure. But if you do decide to sunbathe during this period, be sure to use the funds with the highest protection factor.

Apply the cream to the body must be in sufficient quantity - about 30 ml. At a lower dose of the effectiveness of protection against the harmful effects of sunlight may be reduced by several times.

Apply sunscreen on the skin for about half an hour before the sun come out. This would allow the cream to be absorbed by the skin and initiate protective action. Do not forget to reapply after swimming protective agent, and after a long exposure to the sun.

In no case do not clean the body with soap before tanning and do not wipe the face lotion. Soap defat the skin and destroy its protective coating and lotion will make your skin more sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

During Sun necessarily Replenish your body with vitamin C, since the sun's rays in the body reduces its content. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, currants, parsley, bell peppers.

To tan was brighter, this can prepare for the winter-spring period. Drink carrot juice in the morning, cook for yourself salads, main ingredient should be a carrot.

Many people prefer to get a tan in the solarium. But there are a number of contraindications for such a sunburn. So, do not go to the solarium children, light-skinned and burn easily in the sun. Also not recommended to visit the solarium, to whose skin does not tan sticks.

Tags: solarium tan