How to remove hair bikini

How to remove hair bikini
 "Mini Bikini": Learn how to get rid of excess hair in delicate places!

Bikini divided into two types - classic and deep. In the classic strip of hair is left in deep they are removed everywhere. And it is. The skin in this area of ​​gentle, requires a special approach. And if you want to achieve aesthetic smoothness, there are a few proven ways. The most traditional, perhaps, be called a razor and gel. Oddly enough, for this procedure is better to choose Men's Shaver (they are usually sharper and better). Shave the hair should be first on hair growth, then, to consolidate the results, against growth. It is desirable to perform the procedure in the mirror, after taking a shower. Using a special gel, hair will become softer and more pliable. Men gels too perfect. Less shave that hair grow rapidly.


Using a depilatory, you can easily get rid of hair. But the problem is that the thin hairs he does not take a thick sometimes not removed, becoming brittle. This can lead to unpleasant consequences such as inappropriate ingrowth. Here it without tweezers (yes, the fact that the eyebrow) will not understand! But after spending the procedure, you can enjoy the result of about two weeks. Depilatory creams are perfect gentle lady. Damage just half an hour cream remove hairs for a week and will not cause any suffering. However, despite quality similar creamy means can not remove all the hairs. Some use "dual defense": first, smeared with cream, then dobrivayut excess using the machine.


Did you select the wax or sugar. Manipulation of these means is preferably carried out in the cabin, at least you can get the hand and at home. Several painful procedure in which use hot wax to leave your skin incredibly soft. The extra skin particles removed along with hairs. Sugar waxing is almost identical to the wax. A popular "laser bikini" has a property that can be considered, and advantages and disadvantages - the hair removed permanently. After several treatments. There are contraindications - pregnancy and lactation attendant. There is also a photo-epilation. Flashes of light hair follicles are destroyed. Hot procedure is painless - before it is applied to the skin cooling gel. One "but": hair removal after a while you can not go to the solarium.

Pay attention

- Hair in the bikini area can be given any shape, from lightning to the heart
- So they can be painted in absolutely any color
- And even stick rhinestones and other decorations

Tags: beauty, care, removal, bikini