Homemade cream for oily skin

Homemade cream for oily skin
 Modern means of cosmetology allow you to restore the health and beauty of the skin of the face and body. Of course, the best option is to prepare the cream at home.

Homemade cream for oily skin is not only more natural and healthy, but also significantly save the family budget person. Oftentimes, lotions prepared directly before application to the cleansed skin, since many ingredients do not retain useful properties for prolonged storage.

Oily skin needs not only moisture and nutrition, but also in removing the excess glitter and sebaceous secretions on the skin surface. This defect can be eliminated by means of containing alcohol. But it should be noted that alcohol and burning causes dry skin, must therefore be used with caution.

The simplest means cooked at home, is a mixture of egg white, cologne, lemon juice, glycerin and a solution of alum. This cream has a liquid consistency and involves applying to the skin with a cotton swab.

Also fairly simple recipe for making homemade cream of wax and liquid ammonia. Ammonia pre-dilute with water to eliminate the possibility of burning the skin. For easy mixing beeswax should melt over low heat. There is a similar recipe with the addition of petroleum jelly, which has a positive effect on oily skin.

The positive effect is achieved by using lemon juice, which not only eliminates the shine on your face, but also has bleaching properties, makes skin smooth and beautiful tone. Any cream at home is advisable to mix in small proportions, that the means for skin care was always freshly prepared.

Of course, to get the desired result it is necessary to consult a specialist in the field of cosmetology that he identified the type of skin and eliminate the possibility of disturbances in the body's metabolic processes.

Tags: leather, domestic, cream, nutrition, hydration