Fighting and cellulite treatment

Fighting and cellulite treatment
Nowadays, unfortunately, the majority of women are faced with such unpleasant skin disease as cellulite. And all because of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits. Earn it easy, but much more difficult to get rid of. But, thanks to the existing to date hardware method of treatment, the fight against cellulite can be greatly alleviated.

Currently, there are a huge number of different areas of the fight against cellulite. This massage, and creams, and even surgery. But the most effective way to combat orange peel is considered lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage is of two ways: manual and hardware. Look at the most affordable option lymphatic drainage - hardware.

Mechanical lymph drainage is divided into subspecies: microcurrent stimulation, elektrolipoliz, Endermologie, ultrasound, Lipossage. And now in more detail about each.

When a vacuum is created Lipossage subcutaneous sites, so goes tearing adipose tissue. Lipossage already exists for many years, but Endermologie - this improved method Lipossage.

In endermology also lays the foundation of the vacuum, but this process is perfected special massage rollers that smooth the surface of the skin, improving the vacuum effect. Also, there is a simultaneous smoothing sharp lacerations.

The next type of hardware cellulite treatment - elektropoliz. It is intended not only for removal of fat cells but also to muscle training.

In elektropolize small needle inserted under the skin through which the current is supplied to a predetermined charge and frequency. This discharge causes the cells to move. When moving cells lose energy, which leads to burning fat.

Very interesting method and using ultrasound. With the help of the effects of certain frequencies is the destruction of fat cells. Such a method is considered safe and even beneficial.

A by microcurrent stimulation can remove toxins from the body, to accelerate blood circulation, to optimize the properties of the body, thereby reducing the adipose tissue. But such a procedure may lead to a decrease in the tone of tissues.

So a way to fight cellulite choose, you decide.

Tags: cellulite, the impact of treatment, the fight, the method, the vacuum