Determine your skin type

Determine your skin type
 Skin type affects everything: the selection of creams for daily care, makeup and cleanser. After all, should not he buy a tonic, and the result is obvious - the skin can react redness and irritation, excessive dryness or, conversely, fat. Therefore, it is important to know what type of skin you got. The more that you can do it with ease and at home.

Leather - a very important organ in the human body. After all, it protects a person from negative environmental impact. And it accounts for the main blow in the form of dust, sunlight and stress. The skin may be normal, dry, oily, sensitive, combination, etc.

Normal skin - one that occurs in otherwise healthy people physically. However, the owners of it not so much. To distinguish this type can be easily by external signs. Normal skin is smooth and elastic, not greasy, acne, various acne, enlarged pores.

Dry skin - one that is characterized by frequent allergic reactions and peeling. But as a rule, such troubles occur to her only after exposure to external factors: excessive sun, poor quality water, wind and others. This type of skin is considered quite challenging and requires careful and very delicate care.

Finally, oily skin. It is easily distinguished by the characteristic greasy luster, advanced pores and emerging there, there pimples and acne. It also requires special care. But there is a type and a big enough advantage: it is very positive effect year, ie with age, it becomes better and less than other types prone to wrinkling.

Check what your skin type, and can be based on fairly simple test. To do this you need to take an ordinary cloth and apply it to the face. If there has been no change, then you have dry skin. If there were barely visible specks of fat, then you are to be congratulated - you are the owner of a normal skin type. If grease stains clearly visible, it means that you have oily skin.

Another option to check the type of skin - use ordinary glass. To perform this test, you need to take a glass with light pressure and "ride" his forehead. For each zone on the face (nose, cheeks) needs its own glass. After that, the results should be carefully considered.

If at all the same cups shine and film, then you have oily skin. Dry skin does not leave behind a trace, maybe a maximum of a few dry flakes. If the print on glasses clearly distinguishable, but are not fat, then you have a normal skin type.

Now you can pick up a program of adequate care and keep your skin healthy.

Tags: skin type, dry