Become irresistible in two accounts: fast beauty recipes

Become irresistible in two accounts: fast beauty recipes
 Frost and wind, the heat and the sun, lack of sleep and stress - these factors adversely affect a woman's beauty, attenuate the skin, making it dry and weary, negative impact on the health of the hair. Of course, that person again was fresh, eyes shining and his hair glistened, need regular grooming. But there are times when an urgent need to freshen up: on the eve of an important meeting, a friendly party or the long-awaited date. Help out recipes that will become irresistible in a short time.
 Relieve stress after a hard day in just 15 minutes will help bath with aromatic oils and salt. Aromatic blend for a bath, you can make yourself. In a glass jar Stir in sea salt, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and shake well. Relaxing effect has oil of lavender, cedarwood, chamomile, tonic - rosemary or sage. The main thing - to lie in a warm (35 ° C about) the water no longer than 15-20 minutes. Otherwise the skin can become dry and flaked off.

Tip of the famous French stylist says: "If you do not like how you look, wash your hair! "Listen to it, especially if you have to," the publication. " After washing, silky strands emit light. To quickly restore health and shine to the hair using natural healing compounds. You can cook them yourself and keep in the refrigerator for two days. For hair of any type suitable reducing agent from the egg and olive oil or burdock. Heat the 2 tablespoons oil, add 1 spoonful of 9% vinegar and 1 beaten egg. Rub the warm mixture into the hair and leave for 20 minutes, wrapped head with a towel. Then wash your hair and rinse.

Mask of coffee improves skin tone and gives it an extraordinary softness and velvety matte. Mix 1 teaspoon of sour cream and egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. Apply the mixture on the face, neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, take a shower and you can admire them.

To improve the complexion, the appearance of a healthy blush make such a mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and black tea with a drop of lemon juice. Apply the resulting slurry on the face. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes, lubricate the skin cream. Curd enrich the skin with moisture, fruit acids act as peeling, and contained in the tea tannins smooth out wrinkles.

Compress of black tea will help to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Pour a teaspoon of tea a quarter cup of boiling water. Insist half an hour, then strain. Dampen cotton swabs in welding and attach to the problem area for 15 minutes. During this time, tea tampons change twice. At the end of the procedure, wipe the area around the eyes with cotton soaked in cold water, and grease nourishing cream. Your eyes will shine, and the bruises will become less noticeable.

Tags: face, color, fatigue, expense, beauty, recipe