Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp
 Oily seborrhea, as well as dry, are variations of the same process. Oily seborrhea often becomes dry. It is necessary to treat the disease, otherwise there is a danger that hair growth can be broken and they will start to fall.

For oily seborrhea hair covered with oily lubricant, and on the scalp have reddened areas and greasy scales yellow.

Prevention and treatment of seborrhea passes with great difficulty, the disease tends to return. For women, it is important for them to menstrual cycle was regulated so as hormonal disruption often leads to the disease. For regulation cycle physicians suggest taking contraceptives, of course, under the supervision of the attending physician. In addition, it is important to cure the nervous system and internal organs.

You can not ignore the recommendations strictly observe hygiene measures for oily skin, more walk in the fresh air, sunbathe and take a bath with mineral water. For oily seborrhea should be excluded from the diet of fatty, canned and savory, limit carbohydrate intake, not a lot of chocolate, jam and honey, and sit down on a salt-free diet. It is best to go for foods rich in vitamins, eat vegetables, fruits, drinking yoghurt and include in the diet of low fat cottage cheese. A good therapeutic effect have brewer's yeast, since they have B vitamins

For the treatment of oily seborrhea need to review your lifestyle. In order to improve the body, it is necessary to engage in sports or exercise, get enough sleep and take multivitamin preparations. If the cause of oily seborrhea are faults in the nervous system, it is recommended to take drugs that have a calming effect.

In the case of low-energy manifestations of seborrhea, skin condition can be corrected by using shampoos containing sulfur and tar, as well as suitable shampoos, which are based on fermented dairy products.

Inside, it is generally recommended to take zinc supplements and sulfur, which helps to improve the exchange of microelements, normalizing the power of hair.

Tags: skin, hair, seborrhea, food, medical treatment