How to remove irritation

How to remove irritation
 Redness, peeling, small pustules appearing on the skin can sometimes seriously upset woman. Irritation may occur due to allergies, as a result of shaving, use of improper means to care for the skin, etc.
 The fair sex is well known that even touches his unshaven cheeks male to female delicate skin can cause redness and itching. Instead of always hide red spots and other signs of skin irritation using foundation, you can use special medicated creams, teas and other means.

A great tool that quickly soothe the skin and relieve irritation - is aloe juice. It must be mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and then carefully lubricated damaged skin. Leave the vehicle on the skin for 20-30 minutes, then rinse. Aloe juice with vegetable oil is also very good at helping to get rid of irritation due to shaving underarms and legs, but use it in the bikini area is not necessary.

There is another tool that will quickly relieve irritation - a mask with avocado and sour cream. Cut the avocado into thin slices. Irritated skin grease cream and top with slices of avocado. This mask for 15 minutes will save you from redness and itching. It can be used even in the most delicate areas, particularly in the bikini area. The mask of avocado and sour cream is very useful for the delicate female skin, so it can be done on a regular basis, not just when you need to relieve irritation.

If irritation on your skin began to appear too often and become a real problem - prepare compresses with decoction of chamomile and mint. Per liter of water you need to take two tablespoons of chamomile flowers and two tablespoons of mint leaves. Add the herb in water and boil for 15 minutes. Then allow to cool a little broth, strain it and pour into a clean jar. To make a compress, soak a towel or cloth in the resulting broth and apply to irritated skin.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, irritation, shaving