How to remove calluses from hands

How to remove calluses from hands
Favorite places corns are the legs and arms. But if in the first case, the culprit wrong or poor-quality shoes, the second - a source of problems is physical labor. Protect yourself from it is not always possible, and hardened skin on the hands inconvenience and look unaesthetic. Cope with calluses can be through natural means.
Excellent tool to combat calluses on his hands is the pulp of aloe. Crush one fleshy leaf and attach the resulting mass to the callous skin. Impact on corn must be continuous, so press aloe gauze and secure it with a bandage. Carry out the procedure for the night. In the morning, remove the dressing and gently scrape the softened layer of skin with a pumice stone. Lubricate hand moisturizer. If necessary, repeat the process the next day. Typically, corn finally disappear in 2-3 days.

Equally effective remedy is the onion. Rub it on a fine grater and put on the resulting corn mush. Secure it with a bandage. Onion is faster aloe, so remove the bandage and wash off mass can be an hour later. Softening the skin and scrape using pumice. Grease your hands with olive or sunflower oil. Similarly, you can make compresses of grated potatoes.

Poultice of garlic helps with long-standing corn, but before the procedure to be rough skin to steam in a soda solution. Teaspoon of powder dissolved in a glass of hot water, then pour the liquid into a bowl and immerse the hands. Keep them there until complete cooling solution. After the pre-chopped garlic attach to corn for a few hours, but better - at night. With regular performing procedures to finally get rid of calluses can be for a week.

Dissolve in a liter of hot water a teaspoon of baking soda, the same amount of ammonia and a little soap chips. Wait until all the components of the solution, and mix the resulting liquid. Immerse hand in this compound for 20 minutes, then rub with pumice steamed corn. Rinse off with warm water all, dry your hands and put on fat cream corn. If necessary, repeat 3-4 times. As a rule, the effect does not have to wait long. Within a week of rough skin no trace remains.

Tags:hand cream, care