How to get rid of acne scars

How to get rid of acne scars
 Scars that occur on the spot healing acne represent a connective tissue that fills the void caused by inflammation. If the wound is large and deep, the skin recovers a long time, and, consequently, the scar will be tougher.
 There are two types of scars: hypertrophic and atrophic. At the first of scar tissue has grown more than was destroyed by inflammation. Therefore, such a scar above the surface of the skin. It is usually red or purple, irregular shape. When atrophic scars scar tissue is formed smaller, so are holes of different sizes and shapes.

Get rid of scars on their own does not work, they do not go away. Therefore it is better and easier to prevent their occurrence, which need time to begin treatment of acne. If there were scars, their treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, sometimes it is necessary to involve plastic surgery and cosmetology. Scar Treatment depends on the type and severity.

The most simple and superficial blemishes and scars can be removed by applying a chemical peel. Tools used in this peeling, for example, trichloroacetic acid, cause profound changes in the skin. The epidermis is dissolved and appear dead skin. This procedure starts the process of formation of collagen, and scar becomes less deep and less noticeable. For effective results, it is necessary to spend a few sessions of this peeling every 1-3 months.

Also used for shallow scars Laser skin resurfacing. Lasers different force effects layers burn scar tissue and trigger the production of collagen. The virtue of the laser is that it acts on a limited area of ​​skin. Both of these procedures are performed with anesthesia or under general anesthesia (deep chemical peels). The healing process when such methods can take up to six weeks.

To fill the hole from scarring of the skin using collagen injections (animal or human). This is not curative and cosmetic procedure. Its result is temporary, only 3-6 months. Also, injections are administered for the area of ​​the scar tissue of the patient body. This procedure is done when deep scars, the effect lasts for 6-18 months.

Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion) gets rid of small scars and reduce the depth. It consists in the removal of skin and scar tissue using special brushes performed under anesthesia. Very traumatic and unsafe way.

Surgery is recommended when cleaved scars, it is the scar excision or to adipose tissue, or skin grafting. Sometimes a combination of different ways. But there are cases when the scar is better not to touch, such as hypertrophic, because scar tissue can respond to new growth enhancement.

All methods traumatic, can cause complications, so before making a decision you need to think about all the good and consult with experts.

Tags: face, Ambassador, removal procedure, Akna