How to Clean a heel

How to Clean a heel
 Heel exposed to constant friction while walking, so become stiff, and in some cases there are cracks. With age, the problem will only get worse, but that's no reason to be upset. If you devote 10 minutes a day caring for your feet, the heels are soft and gentle as a baby.
 Take a foot bath with sea salt. In principle, suitable and sodium, but it contains fewer nutrients. As soon as the skin on the heels becomes soft, treat it with a pumice stone to remove dead layer of the epithelium. The treatment, apply a nourishing cream.

If you have too large epithelial tumors, better do a pedicure at the beauty salon. With the help of a special device that you remove all calluses and corns. The procedure is painless, and with proper follow-up care for the feet effect persists for a long time.

Make emollient oil. To do this, pour 100 grams of chamomile 300 ml of olive oil. Insist about 7 days, then strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Rub into dry skin heels for the night, then wear soft socks, preferably cotton. Within a few days your heels are soft and tender.

Twice a week, treat foot scrub. If you do not, just add a little liquid soap, soda and salt and mix thoroughly massage your feet with the mixture. After the procedure, apply to his feet olive oil or nourishing cream.

Not bad softens heel mask of sour cream. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with one yolk, add a teaspoon of oil and beat the mixture well. Put on your feet for 10 minutes. The passage of time wash feet with warm water using a neutral soap or gel.

In some cases, dry heels occurs when a lack of vitamins. Buy any complex preparation and take it for one month. To effect appeared much earlier and eat fish oil capsules (2 piece. Three times a day). Gradually your heels back to its previous softness. Do not be lazy to care for yourself and then you will look great, and to please others.

Tags: heel, foot, build-up