Action pulse massager
Pulse machine to massage is a convenient means of self-care products. It has smaller dimensions and, as a rule, several nozzles. With their help, you can hold home massage for the face, body, head, and even hair.
The most popular pulse massager - Darsonval. He is called by the name of the inventor, physicist and physiologist Jacques Arsene d'Arsonval. Scientists have shown a positive effect of AC on fabric and created a portable device.
Pulse massager improves skin condition. It happens in a fairly short period of time. The device helps to establish blood circulation, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fat. This procedure also improves metabolism and tissue better saturated with oxygen.
Pulse massage sessions often prescribed to people with skin problems. The device improves the bactericidal properties of the epidermis. Because of this disappear from the surface of acne, ulcers, inflammation, skin dries, improves its protective properties.
Pulse massager has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Microcirculation of the skin is significantly improved, the activity of the venous system becomes more efficient. Reviews of girls have already tried the device indicate that the manifestations of varicose virtually disappear, as well as significantly reduced swelling.
Indications and contraindications for massage pulse
Pulse Massager effectively used in cosmetology and medicine. It helps to significantly improve the appearance, restore skin youthfulness and beauty. However, its application has its own indications and contraindications.
Before any massage you should consult with your doctor. You may appoint the necessary tests and inspections to prevent sickness, in which the use of a pulsed device is prohibited.
Pulse massage is particularly recommended for people with skin problems. For example, it is successfully used for acne, allergies, increased pallor. This procedure also helps to regenerate tissue in nonhealing wounds, tighten the skin and make it younger.
Massager can be used successfully and other ailments. Procedures prescribed to people with varicose veins, at various neuroses, seborrhea, neurological manifestations. Treatment AC remove manifestations of osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
However, the portable device there are several contraindications. It can not be used during pregnancy and tuberculosis. Pulse massage can also be dangerous for people with mental health problems and denied in the presence of pacemakers.