Having decided to try mummy at least once, you can forget about the salon treatment. This is a healing substance, complex composition and origin, is known as "Blood Mountain": the spectrum of its healing properties is extensive.
Before you start using this medication at home, should be a responsible approach to the choice of the mummy. You need to know that there are several varieties of this substance. For example, the rigor mummy, which is not suitable for use on the skin. The biggest demand is mummy found in the Altai Mountains. In this case, it is better not to buy at fairs and local markets, and pharmacies, as before using the substance have to be cleaned and pharmacological control.
For home use you can buy the mummy in tablets or large bales. Before use, be sure to expose the recipe: excess funds can harm the body.
The easiest way to use the mummy: the enrichment of finished cosmetic masks and creams. 100 g fat cream you will need 3-4 grams mummy. First, dissolve it in a small amount of a cosmetic agent selected can add a few drops of water was pipetted. Wait about 10 minutes. Then mix with the remaining cream or lotion. Apply to face as a nourishing mask, and blot the excess cloth after 15 minutes. This procedure refreshes the skin, removes signs of fatigue, and even replace the cabin lifting session. Keep in mind that the mummy has a specific and even unpleasant odor that may remain after the procedure.
One of the problems which are difficult to correct in the home - stretch. Means adding mummy to help cope with them. Mixture for use can be prepared by the above method using any nutrient cream. However, it is advisable not only to put it on the body, but do wrap. Layer of cream should be much thicker. After applying the wrap problem area with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes. Shilajit is effective even for chronic stretch marks if you do the procedure regularly and strictly follow the recipe.