First of all, the skin must be "calm" and moisturize, this would be the best decoction of chamomile or sage. 1 tablespoon of dried herb pour boiling water (200 g), allow to stand for 1 hour. Wipe the face of cosmetic pad moistened with this decoction. You can also use sleeping (yesterday) tea. Good for this purpose to make oatmeal infusion of oatmeal finely ground: a tablespoon of cereal pour hot water (200 g), wait 15-20 minutes. Infusion wipe the face.
The resulting oat gruel used as the basis nutritious, oily mask. Add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, half a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Stir and apply on face. This mask should be done lying down, underneath the head napkin. Remember, eye mask, never, do not apply.
If the wind and the cold sore and reddened eyelids, make a mask specifically for the eyes. It's all the same broth chamomile or yesterday's tea leaves. Cosmetic disks impregnated with one of these solutions, apply to eyelids while the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
If the skin on his face weathered, because you spent your holiday in the country, the herbal decoction and this mask you just enough to bring the person back in order. But if the skin for a long time to experience discomfort (multi-day expedition, hiking, seasonal cottages work), it is recommended to carry out a course of cosmetic masks.
Mask made from potato or bean puree
In puree (200-250 g), add the hot milk and a warm vegetable oil - stir until the consistency of thick cream. Do it quickly, the mask should be almost hot. For convenience, use a two-layer gauze and plastic bag, pre-cut holes in them for the eyes and nose. At first apply a layer of gauze mashed close second layer. Put the mask on your face in the supine position, cover it with polyethylene, get a kind of compress.
The mask is removed at the first signs of cooling. Face wash with warm water. Very well after this procedure apply to the face mask of 25-30% fat sour cream.