Particularly affected by increased sebum area T-zone (forehead, nose and chin wings). To cope with this problem, making a face unaesthetic, you need to start a comprehensive care for oily skin.
The first rule of oily skin - daily cleansing. And this should be done twice a day - morning and evening. For washing, use room temperature water, as hot water increases the sebum. Cleanser should not overdry oily skin, but it's okay to remove impurities from the pores.
To dull the skin and close the pores after washing, use matting tonic. He will remove the remains of sebum and makeup from the face, and prepare it for the application of the cream.
Even oily skin should moisturize and nourish creams. To do this, choose the cream with a light texture that without weighing skin.
After caring procedures can begin to make-up. Makeup for oily skin should also deal with the problems of oily sheen. Choose matting tonal framework that will eliminate the fat T-zone. During the day, if necessary, use a light powder texture, particles which eliminate excess shine problem areas of the face.
On sale there are a whole series of cosmetic products specially designed for the care of the T-zone. Choose only proven brand, responsible for quality.
In order to remove the shine and oiliness of the T-zone, you can use home remedies to care for oily skin. Copes with greasy luster home lotions and tonics made from natural ingredients.
Mint lotion.
1 tsp peppermint pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water. Let sit for 1, 5 hours. Then strain and pour the lotion into the jar. Rinse them face after each washing. Mint tones and refreshes oily skin.
Home rosewater.
Pour 4 tablespoons. dried rose petals 0, 5 liters of cider vinegar. Let sit lotion for 3 weeks. Then strain and dilute it half with cold boiled water. This lotion is struggling with the problems of oily skin and prevents acne and irritation.
Cucumber Lotion T-zone.
Grate 200 g fresh cucumbers, pour 200 grams of vodka. Insist week, then strain. Wipe clean with a lotion should be only the forehead, nose and chin. Cucumber lotion dries the skin, reduces inflammation and reduces sebum secretion.
Well with the problem of greasy masks from natural ingredients. You can make a mask just before leaving the house or at the weekend.
Strawberry mask.
Rub a tablespoon of strawberries, berries mix with beaten egg white. Add 1 tbsp starch and 1 tsp almond or olive oil. Apply the mask on your face, paying special attention to the T-zone. Keep on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The mask not only struggling with fat, but also improves the complexion.
The mask of yeast.
1 tsp dry yeast, mix 1 tsp kefir or yogurt. Apply all over the face mask, or only T-zone for 20 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature. Mask effect - matting leveling.