How to remove stretch marks on legs

How to remove stretch marks on legs
 Trouble with the skin in the form of extensions of concern for both women and men. Basically, they appear with a large weight loss, age-related changes, as well as after birth. Stretch marks are quite difficult to remove completely, but significantly reduce their occurrence is possible.
 The appearance of stretch marks on the skin due to hormonal changes, as well as with overstretching of the skin (eg, with a sharp loss or weight gain). Tears in the skin subsequently replaced by connective tissue, which is why initially stretching red or bluish, then turn white. Locations subject to stretch marks - abdomen, chest and legs (usually the thigh).

The fight against this disease should begin in advance, in other words - prevention above all. Watch your weight, try to avoid it surges. Be sure to moisturize the skin, use tools that have lifting effect. Take a contrast shower, use a washcloth.

If you are late with preventive measures and extensions have already appeared, then you should start with them a real struggle. Is an effective means of massage. It stimulates blood circulation both locally and throughout the body. You can do self-massage or refer to specialists. Hydromassage take on a momentum even greater effect: it will tighten the skin, returns its elasticity and visibly reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Try mummy. This tool is useful to apply as follows: dissolve it in water and rub into the skin, gently massaging it. This will strengthen its action.

Go to the bath. Being in the steam room will enhance blood circulation and accelerate skin regeneration. Note that before going to the bath is necessary to specify that you have contraindications.

Use natural remedies. For example, oil. Almond, apricot, jasmine - they all affect the skin, causing its regeneration. This will contribute to a gradual reduction of stretch marks.

Any of the above methods will help only if you use it regularly. Operate the stretch systematically and comprehensively, this will help them to say goodbye.

If you have no desire to fight for a long time and you want to get rid of stretch marks quickly, use laser resurfacing in beauty salons. Grinding is a beam that removes the top layer of skin, tighten and rejuvenate it. Effect of the procedure is seen in a couple of months after complete healing of the tissues.

The most crucial way - surgical. Procedure called "abdominoplasty" is held in the clinics of plastic surgery and eliminates stretch marks one hundred percent.

Tags: leg stretching