Depending on the type of scar removal methods vary scars. Thin and pale scars (normotroficheskie) disappear spontaneously or respond well to the action of surface and middle peeling, absorbable drugs. Atrophic (inverted) scars that remain after acne, stretch marks and traces of the transferred chickenpox treated lipofillinga and mesotherapy - first scar lifted by introducing a variety of products, then introduced stimulating extracts. Occurs enhanced production of collagen and the skin becomes thick, elastic, less noticeable scar. The following activities - vacuum massage, mud and seaweed wraps - helps to improve blood circulation in the affected tissues and enhance the metabolic processes in cells.
Hypertrophic scars look like rough and dark scars, towering above the skin surface. To get rid of dense elevations must undergo the procedure a chemical peel, then a few sessions of physiotherapy (electrophoresis "Lydasum", "Kontratubeksom" and other absorbable drugs).
Inveterate scars removed using microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing - removed the surface layer of the epidermis, are stimulating the production of collagen and the formation of new tissue. Big and ugly scars should try to "dissolve" liquid nitrogen or surgically removed. During surgery, the scar is excised, and the edges of the wound sutured cosmetic suture.
Keloid scars remove the most difficult. The only method that leads to a slight positive result - obkalyvanie scar drugs. Often have to surgically remove these scars.