This trouble usually occurs due to lack of foot care. Also, the reason for their appearance can be overweight, flat, some diseases of the spine, wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes.
When you see you have corns, visit a dermatologist to determine the cause and eliminate the presence of serious diseases. Also, your doctor will prescribe the right treatment. If there are no specific contraindications, the doctor may suggest to use traditional medicines.
Prepare the ointment. Take one tablespoon of vinegar, the same amount of vegetable oil and one egg. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add in a container and store in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Before going to bed rasparte feet in warm water, dry the them. Apply the ointment to the affected area, cover with plastic film and put on socks. In the morning, rinse with warm water composition. In any case, do not use a pumice stone or scrape the skin. A week later, tumors disappear.
Removes dead skin will help such a remedy. In 5 liters of water, place the packaging bay leaf and boil. In the broth, add 50 ml of turpentine, 100 ml of vinegar, 500 grams of salt, mix everything carefully. In a little part of the cooled parte feet for 30 minutes. The same solution is fit for a week. Before use, it must be heated. 30 days treatment.
Well helps compress of propolis. A small piece of propolis preheat and apply to the affected area. Secure the bandage and leave overnight. Before that legs are steamed in the infusion of herbs. To make it, take in equal proportions grass celandine, chamomile flowers, leaves of burdock and nettles. Gathering herbs pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain and pour the broth into a bowl with water.