Usually enlarged pores - the result of overactive sebaceous glands work. Dirt, dead skin cells and fat accumulate in the pores, making the skin surface grease tube that provoke even more sebum. To break the cycle, you need every day to clean the face. Wash your face with cool water in the morning, using a refreshing tonic. In the evening, be sure to clean the face with a cosmetic lotion for oily skin (even if you have no makeup).
Peelings and scrubs
To clean the pores and remove all the accumulated fat, once every two weeks to do a deep cleaning of the face. People with enlarged pores can not use rough scrub with coarse, since the intensity of mechanical action on the skin can have the opposite effect - enlarged pores, become even greater. Yourself at home, you can clean the pores as follows:
- Mix egg yolk, a spoonful of semolina and spoon light yogurt or yogurt;
- Hold face over hot water (you can add to water herbs and aromatic oils), the steam melts the fat and reveal the pores that allow the exfoliant particles penetrate as deeply as possible;
- Apply scrub, massage the skin with gentle circular movements;
- Rinse with warm water means;
- Wash with cold water or swipe across the face with ice in order to narrow pores.
If you do not trust the people's recipes, you can take advantage of modern cosmetics. Scrub should be designed for skin with enlarged pores and suitable to your skin type.
Cementing mask
Enlarged pores can be reduced by using masks, active substances that constrict the follicular channels on his face. The mask depends on your skin type. There are plenty of recipes, such as:
For dry skin: Protein, olive oil, sour cream or yogurt, all mixed in equal proportions.
For oily skin2 tablespoons of alcohol tincture of calendula diluted glass of boiled water. In the resulting solution was omitted gauze, a little squeeze and put on your face (to cool, then repeat).
For all skin types: A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide mixed with two pinches of yeast, mix thoroughly, apply on face, avoiding the eye area.
Any mask worn on the skin clean and moisturized. Keep the mask should be 10-15 minutes. Next, the need to rinse with warm water and soothe the skin. For oily skin suit thermal water or an ice cube, for dry and normal - light water-based cream.
Women or girls who have severely impaired the sebaceous glands, and the usual means of dealing with dilated pores do not help, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Modern hardware cosmetology to minimize disruption of the external manifestations of the sebaceous glands in just a few sessions. And with regular visits to the salon enlarged pores become barely noticeable.
Tips for last:
- Use only high-quality cosmetics;
- Discard the fat, sweet, fried, smoked;
- Every day, eat fresh fruits and vegetables;
- Drink vegetable juice and green tea instead of coffee, and soda;
- Do not use hormonal contraceptives.