Even more optimum is the use of gentle peeling containing fruit acid or salicylic acid. This procedure is less traumatic for the skin, but to spend it more often 2-3 times a week is impossible.
And after using the scrub, and after the usual daily session of water treatments sure to use an emollient. And even before the application of conventional milk or cream for the body. Giving the skin on elbows and knees slightly dry, apply a very fat nourishing cream or regular olive oil, then massage lightly.
By the way, to remove dry skin are ideal natural shea butter and cocoa. This means the very nature of women presented to those were fine as long as possible.
Very often dry skin on knees and elbows not just shelled, but dark, that does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Come to the aid of lemon juice. All you need to do - to grease juice darkened areas of skin, and hold a few minutes, rinse. By the way, if used incorrectly tanning lemon juice is also indispensable. He is a second to remove stains and staining defects.
Besides lemon juice, you can use other people's money to lighten the skin. For example, the juice of fresh cucumber, parsley juice. Good lighten and tone the skin yogurt and sour milk. Simply put, soak a few minutes, then rinse. Repeat daily until the desired result.
Once your knees and elbows will gain the coveted smoothness and softness, go to supporting the regime. Apply scrub, exfoliating, and do not forget to go outside in the summer, apply sunscreen not only on the face and neck, but also on his elbows to your knees. This prevents their darkening and overdrying.