Lemon oil stimulates metabolism in cells and tissues, and wraps him restore skin elasticity and smoothness. Orange oil is very intense effect on the skin, so its use is allowed only in small doses, but the effect of massage stunning - a few sessions allow the skin to return a plain topography.
Essential oils of juniper and fennel help the skin to get rid of toxins and excess fluid. Uric acid, which accumulates in the blood and tissues, change skin tone and slows metabolism - juniper oil helps cleanse the blood and removes acid.
Rosemary oil is actively breaks down fats, so its use in the fight against cellulite so effectively. Normalization of lipid metabolism and blood purification.
Spicy and burning essential oils (oil of black pepper, ginger, nutmeg, bergamot, etc.) heat the skin, stimulating the process of withdrawal of fluid and toxic substances. They are often used to eliminate stagnation in the skin - oil applied to the skin immediately after showering.
The use of pure essential oils in cosmetics is unacceptable - a high concentration of substances leads to skin burns. The appropriate dose of essential oil is added to the base composition for a massage or body wraps - the usual vegetable oil, almond oil, vaseline or peach. The standard dosage - 15 drops of 30 ml of the oil.
A combination of several essential oils in one procedure significantly improves its performance - grapefruit, lemon and fennel, for example. Honey massage baths and are considered among the productive methods to combat the "orange peel", click Add a few drops of oil in a warm honey and subsequent massage will give your skin silky. To prepare the salt scrub to mix a little coarse salt and 3 drops of any essential oil - the composition will be absorbed, and the salt will lead slag.