Swimming Pool
One of the most effective and enjoyable way to get rid of saggy belly skin found the swimming pool. In addition to swimming in the pool you can do water aerobics. Performing simple exercises to reinforce the effect of the water from swimming, and loose skin will begin to acquire elasticity.
Classes hoop against sagging skin
If you can not make time to visit the pool, get a weighted hula hoop and twist it intensively in between household chores. It is advisable to turn the hoop regularly, giving it every time at least 30 minutes. Tighten the skin, become thinner waist. The first classes may give you pain, but over time massaging the abdomen will bring the desired results, which are of such victims.
Running and Fitness
Make it a rule for a morning jog. This not only helps you remove the "apron" on the stomach, but also allow to keep muscles toned.
Losing belly fat can be in the gym. More substantial strain on the muscles will have fitness classes. If you visit the gym to be impossible or exercise at home. Swing the press, doing morning exercises, give up the elevator and use the stairs. Move more and become thinner waist and abdomen - more elastic.
Take a contrast shower. Change cool and warm tones of water, cleans and improves blood circulation. Are working on the problem areas washcloth.
Masks for stomach
Help in the fight against sagging skin and a special mask for the belly. Take a basis for white clay, the main feature of which is a regenerating effect. Apply the mask once a week, be sure to combine this procedure with studies with a hoop.
To remove the mask is best to take a bath with essential oils. Regularly add in hot water with two drops of natural juniper, orange or jojoba oil, and soon notice that the skin becomes elastic.
Steam treatments
Return to the form and make the skin more elastic help weekly trips to the bath. Going to the bath, take a thermos with infusion of herbs and birch broom. It is desirable that the steam room was a pool of cool water, immerse yourself in that incredibly nice after steaming.
To all of these methods produce the desired result, and the sagging abdominal skin becomes elastic, follow them correctly and regularly.
Plan your menu so that you have in your diet is not less than 120 grams of protein foods per day. This may be a poultry, seafood, chicken. Eat fruits, vegetables and herbs. If weight loss and skin tightening occur in the winter or spring, include in the diet complex vitamins.
Eat at 1, 5-2 liters of fluid per day. Water removes toxins, normalize water balance, ensures stable operation of the whole body and improves skin elasticity.