Exfoliating fruit acids

Exfoliating fruit acids
 The word "peeling" is translated as "strongly scrape" or "oshkurivat." We are talking about removing the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Distinguish chemical, laser, mechanical and other types of peels. However, absolutely any kind of peeling thinner horny layer, expands the pores and softens the skin.
 The most soft and safe peeling fruit or is otherwise peeling fruit acids, as it superficial and therefore does not violate the everyday life of the patient.

Quality cosmetics with fruit acids beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin and internal. This peeling only natural fruit acids, usually of vegetable origin. They are weak organic acids and belong to the class alfagidrokislot. Acting on the skin, they are "clean" only dead cells, in any case not affecting healthy. Thus due to the small molecular size fruit acids capable to penetrate deep enough into the skin.

This kind of peeling fits absolutely any type of skin. He returns it elasticity, gives the appearance attractive appearance and freshness, in addition, to effectively fight the appearance of first wrinkles.

Most often in the fruit peel consists of the following acids:

- Wine - it is produced from grapes;
- Milk - artificially synthesized either from dairy products;
- Lemon - it is obtained exclusively from citrus;
- Apple - is obtained mainly from apples;
- Glycolic - vegetable or synthetic.

This peeling is performed as a separate procedure or as a set of them. Course fruit peeling necessarily begins with a test to identify the allergic reaction - solution applied to the skin with the lowest concentration of different acids. The usual course of such procedures takes approximately 5 weeks. While it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

In addition, it should be remembered that the effect of peeling fruit - not immediately, and only a couple of days you will be able to fully enjoy your refreshed and rejuvenated skin.

Tags: skin peeling, the acid form of cleaning