
 Surely a child you had a caring grandmother, who kept saying: "Ugh! Now throw this toad of them are warts! ". A toad can you not interested, and my grandmother was not, but you still managed to decorate these filthy pimples. Today women's magazine JustLady try to understand what warts are rid of them, and in general, what's the frog?

In the category Women's Health: Foot fungus

Toads and frogs at anything, it is absolutely right! This meanness you rigged ordinary virus. As surprising as it sounds, but forWartscorresponds to the so-called "hard papilloma virus." And he was not the only one, there are several types that cause different types ofWarts.

If you have appeared on the body something new, especially good to verify that it is indeedwart. It should be a small degree, the color does not differ from the skin with a rough surface. Sometimes it is clearly visible border and there is some coloring. In any case,wart You definitely will not find skin lines, as well as any deep roots.

The virus causing theWartsaction is very simple - it penetrates the skin through small cuts and abrasions. He can attack the hands, feet, even the skin under the nails.

Warts like to settle in damp places - here they live longer and reproduce well.

You probably already knew what to do to prevent the virus "to the body." Right, first of all it is necessary for the skin. This is especially important for the feet and fingers around the nail. Secondly, try to keep your feet dry - thoroughly dry shoes, enjoy talc. If you visit a swimming pool, sauna or fitness club, do not go barefoot. And most importantly, if you already havewartDo not touch it with your hands. After all, if there is even a tiny scratch on his finger, a malicious virus necessarily take advantage of this opportunity.

Suppose neoplasm yet appeared, what to do? First, Set away sharps, corrosive acid mixture, and what you're there still armed, but how would not have had to be treated for something worse!

Interestingly, most doctors do not advise immediately run and do cauterization, freezing and carry many other torture, which are often ineffective, and something else and leave scars.

Try to handle herself. For example, forget about it. Studies have shown that oftenWartsgo away. Certainly not once, but after just a couple of years.

If this method does not suit you, you can try bandaging. Good bandagewart and wear a bandage for three weeks, changing the dressing only when necessary.

You can approach the process more creative. Under the bandage Apply a drop of castor oil or a little thick mixture of the same oil and baking soda.

The pharmacy has special plasters and ointments containing salicylic acid. They also successfully used by people suffering fromwarts. Here the main thing to be careful. Ointments and patches need to impose onlywartOtherwise corrosive acid damage the skin around the tumor. To avoid such consequences, made from simple patch patch, engrave in the middle of the hole sizeWarts and stick to the skin. And then superimpose the mixture on top and secured with another layer of plaster.

Also, doctors are advised to greaseWarts vitamin A. In this case, you perfect ordinary fish oil. Just do not try to burst uncontrollably capsule - it could end badly.
Another useful vitamin - C. It should pound, add a little water and smear wart. In this case also, do not forget about accuracy - a mixture of quite caustic.

Traditional medicine offers you several ways to get rid of this trouble.

Healers are advised to rubWarts juice of raw potato, ordinary chalk or applying aloe juice, clove oil, vitamin E.

Still, they say, helps raw onion, for two hours, soaked in vinegar. It must be tied towart overnight.

Good results can be achieved by applying a fresh flower calendula. Ruthlessly knead it and bandage overnight.

To removeWarts on the soles of useful banana peel. Simply attach them to the right place inside.

Quite well in this capacity, and lemon. You need to cut it and drop the slices in apple cider, add a little salt. A few weeks later extract the slices from the solution and wipe themWarts.

More radical methods involve the use of garlic, vinegar, onion juice. These substances, either alone or in mixtures, are applied directly towart. Remember protective measures - funds are very strong.

Sometimes Warts confused with other skin diseases, so before you start a war with them, make sure that it is indeedwart. The easiest way - to visit a dermatologist.

Applying anti-WartsYou must understand that they will go quickly, it may take 2-4 months. But, if you use strong means, but the effect does not occur, be sure to consult your doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: wart virus, vitamin, middle, foot