Most often, the black dots are formed in the so-called T-zone, ie the nose and forehead, sometimes the process is more involved and chin. They arise from the accumulation of fat, sealing the skin pores. Under the influence of oxygen oxidizes fat, over his delayed street dust and dirt. Result - unattractive black comedones.
The easiest way to remove them to apply to the beauty salon, where you will be a professional, but also at home to deal with black dots can be no less successfully.
Efficient way to do this with good old, manual cleaning. Pour into a bowl of hot water, add a few drops of her tea tree oil, cover with a towel over the bowl and steam out the face for 5-10 minutes. Make a hot compress of gauze moistened with broth chamomile or calendula, attach it to the nose for additional decoupling.
In the meantime, wash your hands thoroughly, paying particular attention to the area under the fingernails. By the way, on the nails. It is better if before the procedure you donate their beauty and trim the nails short or ask to make cleaning of who they are so short. Long nails can severely injure the skin.
Wipe your hands with a disinfectant solution, remove the wrap from the nose. Squeeze the point of pressing on them from both sides. If points are few and not very deep, you can take advantage of special patches for their removal. Just glue them on the prepared skin and tear through the allotted time with a slight effort.
It is important to not only remove all the points, but also close the pores after the procedure to prevent the formation of new comedones. Prepare the skin lotion or any other means of narrowing. You can even use a regular lemon juice. Remember, cleaning procedure is quite traumatic for the skin, so do not abuse it and carry out more than once a month.