Skin Care body and face during pregnancy

 Despite his age, the 43-year-old actress Demi Moore is waiting for a fourth child. His courageous act to pose nude and pregnant for Vanity Fair magazine, she confirmed that a pregnant woman is beautiful! It is a fact, but that remains unfading beauty, a woman needs special care for face and body for nine months.

Tips for the care of skin
During pregnancy, a woman's body physiological changes. Hormonal changes greatly affect the skin of the face. Some of these changes are beneficial, especially for women with oily skin. In the opposite case, due to the formation of more estrogen skin becomes dry and peeling are formed. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to cosmetics that you used before pregnancy. Make a small revision and replenish it with the necessary means. That you did not bother peeling and was healthy complexion buy moisturizer necessarily based on natural extracts. Known for several years in the global market, the company Mary Kay cream produces not flavored, with the addition of seaweed, beeswax and avocado oil, contributing to the normalization of intracellular processes. Apply the cream on the skin must be at least two times a day. Do not forget a few times a week to do a hydrating mask. It's summer, use "all that comes to hand" - cucumbers, strawberries, cherries ... Doing mask, focusing especially on the skin around the eyes. Lovely cream AVON help cope with the dark circles around the eyes and wrinkles.
Although some lines of cosmetics are known to you, remember that in anticipation of the child you do not have to experiment with the "unknown" and apply all the advice girlfriends.

Increased sensitivity of the skin may cause an allergic reaction.
The most common problem during pregnancy, many women, the appearance of age spots on the cheeks and forehead. Although this is a temporary problem as pigmentation disappears after a few months after the birth, I want to be attractive and during pregnancy. The first tip, try as little as possible is in the sun. And if you can not avoid the first means cream against sunburn. It not only protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, but zatoniziruet "problem" areas. Bleaching preparations have a more profound impact, but they need to be careful, some contain not only plant extracts. Consultation professional cosmetologist you can not hurt.

Graceful body line
The baby grows in the womb, with it increases the weight of the mother. Such changes in the figure can not be left visible. The skin of the body is covered by the first blow. To put it elasticity and ideal form, use effective moisturizers. This can be gels and creams for the soul, and the best cosmetic oil. Rubbing the body with oil in the morning and in the evening, you provide the skin moisture retention and improve its condition. Very popular oil Johnson s baby. Cellulitis - the second serious problem. Since it is necessary to fight seriously, as advanced forms of cellulitis leads to severe treatment. So do not skimp and consult a professional kometiki. For example in "Oriflame" there are entire anti-cellulite program.

Fear of stretch marks.
We must speak after birth ?! Preventing the reason you say there is no problem. In your body increased hormonal activity leads to violation of the synthesis of fibroblasts. The skin loses its elasticity, and weak areas (thighs, stomach, buttocks, breasts) appear shramiki. Color they happen from red to white. Susceptible to changes in the skin, many, as the body of a pregnant woman is very sensitive to hormonal changes. Regardless of age 18- 30 years, the woman should allocate time. Rely only on their efforts. Heed the rise in weight, eat less carbohydrate foods, sweet and starchy foods. More vegetables and herbs, proteins, by which is synthesized collagen. Also buy a good massage brush and a special gel. The structure chosen means should include nutrients, silicone, necessarily moisturizing ingredients and collagen. Do not be lazy in the morning and evening light massage movements apply the gel on the skin. Mary Kay company, Oriflame, Avon offer their money, taking care of the beauty of women. If you have already decided on selected products, pay attention to the price. Basically it is a very expensive means. Think you can go through the entire course? If yes, advice, buy the amount of goods for the entire period. This eliminates the problems you do not find necessary at the right time, and stopping treatment you reach the desired results.

Legs, feet ...
In the last months of pregnancy is a serious burden falls on his feet. Body weight contributes to fatigue edema. Many suffer from varicose veins. Very helpful foot bath. Pouring warm water, add one of the proposed cosmetics companies such as "Clean Line", "Niva". You will feel the lightness, soften your skin, the vessels will run blood, breaking the stagnation. For the prevention of varicose veins using special gels and sprays. Every morning and evening, apply evenly to the entire surface of the legs gel, spray and use throughout the day, as an additional tool. Feet women have always been the subject of attention from men, do not lose their beauty!

Throughout the period of pregnancy do not be lazy to care for themselves. How do you care about the future of the child, attend to yourself. Your "a healthy mind in a healthy body" is useful throughout life. During pregnancy, not to lose "building" bricks health. The inner and outer beauty should be harmonious. Visiting a gynecologist, do not forget specialist beauticians. They will tell you where and what to apply. The leading companies of the world for the production of cosmetics daily work on a special line of cosmetics for pregnant women, taking into account all the problems in each period. Algologie - FRENCH cosmetics, based on algae and medicinal plants, which has an impact not only on the outside but from the inside. The Italian company RICA offers care products for face and body based on natural extracts of fruits. To improve the complexion, improve elasticity and tone the US has developed a unique mask based on collagen and placenta substances (Beauty Style). Natural and climatic conditions combined the Israeli cosmetics, providing curative effect on the entire body ....

There is a lot to list items, the choice is yours. At the suggestion of his cosmetologist, trust him, and your facial skin, body and delight the eye than one day. The main thing is to work tirelessly. Your health and beauty is worth the effort and expense!

Author: Angelica Kuzmina

Tags: pregnancy mask, cosmetics