How to treat goosebumps

How to treat goosebumps
 Any unpleasant manifestations in the skin, whether acne, age spots, allergic reactions, or just a small annoyance. And even more frustrating when the skin gets the status of "goose". If acne and irritation can be managed without much difficulty, the presence of goose bumps should get seriously consider.
 Sometimes because of the cold or fear appear on the skin pimples. This is a temporary phenomenon and does not cause much concern. Difficult when so-called "goose bumps" - a common condition of the body. This disease (follicular hyperkeratosis) is caused by lack of vitamins A and C. Seals hair follicles on the skin and create the effect of a goose skin.

Treatment of this disease should take place in a complex and always on the advice of a dermatologist. Treatment is not always succeeds, and goose bumps disappear without a trace. But try to get rid of it, it is imperative.

Treatment can start with the most simple procedures that can be carried out independently at home.

Firstly, it ezheutrennee and nightly washing with harsh scrubs or mittens.

To improve circulation useful steaming followed by moisturizing the skin balms and gels having a composition of vitamins A and C.

As a rule, goose bumps seen in the autumn and spring, so it makes sense to prepare for it in advance and start taking vitamins of groups A, E and C in advance.

Effective way to deal with unpleasant symptoms began peeling. As a result, procedures occurs peeling dead skin cells. Useful peels with fruit acids (orange, from coconut pulp). They are the most gently cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Take into account that a single application of peeling the desired result will not. When combined treatment, after ten or fifteen procedures appear noticeable improvements.

After the peel, skin hydration is necessary. For this purpose wraps with seaweed. They not only moisturize and cleanse the skin, but also saturate it mikroelemantami and minerals.

Another effective way to deal with goose bumps - massage. This can be anti-cellulite, honey, or full body massage.

Problem skin care should be systematic. The most important thing - is to establish the causes of the disease. In this issue may help to understand a doctor, so do not neglect a visit to a specialist and certainly should not self-medicate.

Tags: skin cleansing, disease, treatment, exfoliation