How to soften the skin of the feet

How to soften the skin of the feet
 It is not necessary to discuss whether the necessary skin care legs, without this woman may not consider themselves well-groomed and beautiful. Because the skin on the soles of women more dry than in men, the fair sex should be paid to this issue more attention.
 Baths are the most effective treatments to prevent coarsening of the skin on the heels. Baths can be soap-soda, herbal, salt, etc. Their composition depends on the individual leg skin. Soften the skin, a simple bath, which consists of a glass of milk, a glass of soapy water and three tablespoons of salt. Stir everything in a basin of hot water, lower legs and keep your back for about an hour. Then clean off the top layer of the skin steamed with pumice and brush nourishing cream feet.

Make heel "satin" can be overlaid mask of fresh zucchini. Cut young zucchini, put them on the gauze and apply to the soles of his feet for half an hour. Wash your feet with warm running water and apply the usual cream for the feet.

If you use a mask of apricots, we can ensure that the skin on the heels will be silk. Mash some fresh apricots with a fork, add a few drops of olive oil and place on a low heat for a few minutes. Apply a warm gruel on the heel, cover with polyethylene and put socks on top. Hold the mask for about 15 minutes, wash your feet with warm water and rub a little nourishing cream.

Make a soft heel, you can use a scrub prepared at home. Pour in the olive oil palm and sprinkle salt. Treat your heels in a circular motion. This scrub will remove dead skin cells and soften the skin of the feet.

A few days will it take to get rid of the cuts on his heels. Grate fresh apple and apply it to the soles of his feet, pribintovyvaya as a compress.

Cabbage leaf also has softening property. Take a hot foot bath, put mashed cabbage leaves on the heels before going to bed, legs Wrap gauze wrap and leave overnight. Remove the cabbage leaves in the morning and lubricate fat cream heels.

Forget about the cracks on the heels help herbal lotions, hot wraps and warm herbal bath. For their preparation, use the series, chamomile flowers, cornflowers, or peppermint. After the procedure, be sure to do massage heels with fat cream.

Tags: leather, leg care