How to quickly and permanently get rid of freckles and konopushek

 Look like freckles, each of us knows almost from childhood. And here is how to get rid of konopushek, not everyone is aware. In this article, we will reveal a few secrets about how to get rid of freckles and show you how to avoid their recurrence.

In category Beauty: Skin Rejuvenation

Where are freckles

Once back out the winter cold, and spring comes into its own, the sun's rays are taken to warm noses and cheeks passersby. At that time, as the trees are beginning to appear the first leaves, on our faces there are more little red specks. So far, the stronger the "blooms" face from the sun. To approach of beach season, many already have solar marks on the arms, legs, shoulders. This is a natural process, which exposed However, not all members of humanity. It is noticed that the red-haired and fair-haired people are more prone to freckles, but the owners of dark skin and dark hair, too, may have konopushki.

Studies have shown that freckles - is a hereditary thing. They are not a defect, illness or unusual. Freckles appear on the skin in the form of specks of reddish hues. The main activator of this process are the rays of the sun. We can say that with increasing solar activity first thing in the spring tan konopushki that were practically invisible in the autumn and winter. Therefore, questions:how to get rid of freckles fast, how to get rid of freckles all, And indeedhow to get rid konopushek at least for a while, every year a large number of sets of the fair sex.

Which is easier: to devote time to the prevention or deal with the consequences?

As the saying goes: "The taste and color of comrades there." So the question to deal with freckles or leave them alone, everyone decides on their own. If someone's aesthetic preferences hurt particularly hard red spots on his cheeks, we will give good advice,how to get rid of freckles. But before declaring the fight unwanted pigmentation offers to pay attention to preventive measures.

We have already learned that heredity and sun give us freckles. And because of the genes can not escape, it is necessary to eliminate the sun. You say, "What now put out the sun or go out only at night? "" Of course not! ". Everything we offer is to limit sun exposure on your delicate skin receptive. This can be done in the following ways:

- The use of sunscreens. As soon as the first spring sun begins to warm, arms cream with maximum sun protection factor. Remember that it should be applied before leaving the premises, as well as during the day (the duration of the cream look on the package);

- Wearing a wide-brimmed hats. Interesting hat with a wide brim will not only protect from the sun, but maybe it will become part of your new image;

- The application of makeup. The word "make-up" we mean the use of foundation and powder to help protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Correct application of cosmetics will also help conceal freckles, which have already begun to appear. As is the case with sunscreen, makeup have to be periodically updated;

- If the period of the highest solar activity (11-15 hours), you do not need to be in the sun, try to wait out the time indoors or in shady shelter. Worth to remember that direct solar rays are harmful for all skin types;

- The use of vitamins. As we know Vitamin C inhibits the formation of melanin, which is the main agent "paint" your freckles. Vitamin C in great quantity in the greens, fruits and vegetables, it has beneficial effects on the body and increases the resistance of human diseases.

Proposed above options is one of the answers to the question,how to get rid of freckles all. Proper alignment of timely preventive measures can protect your skin from the sun's "kisses."

How to quickly and permanently get rid of freckles and konopushek

How to get rid of freckles?

For those who have the first round of the fight with the sun ended 1: 0 in favor of freckles hasten to note that the battle is not over yet! If on the face and shoulders begin to clearly manifest konopushki - go into action. The first weapon gives us the nature itself. This is a different plant juices which have bleaching properties. Parsley, lemon, cucumber, red currant, yarrow, dandelion, and many others, gently whiten your skin. Regular masks, which is quite possible to cook at home - this is another answer to the questionhow to get rid konopushek.

Those who for whatever reason do not want to spend time cooking vegetable masks, we recommend to turn to science. In pharmacies and cosmetic stores there are plenty of skin bleaching agents. Abouthow to get rid of freckles fast will tell you each firm. Some masks and creams have a truly miraculous properties. Therefore, experimenting or collect information from friends, you can get yourself one of these funds. It is worth noting that cosmetics containing mercury or hydrogen peroxide is harmful to health. Be sure to read the cream before you start to use them.

And finally, the most radical measures in the subjecthow to get rid of freckles all - It dermatology and cosmetology. Many of us are frightened and fascinated at the same time the word dermatologist, beauty parlor, reception procedures. However, there is nothing wrong, on the contrary want to get rid of freckles effective in the short term, it is necessary first of all to visit a specialist. First we need to get advice. Beautician can offer you a variety of procedures, some of the most effective - chemical peels and resurfacing. They allow the most minimum time to eliminate unwanted skin pigmentation without any effort on your part.

It is worth remembering

When applying bleaches, household masks can be faced with the problem of skin dryness. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to take care of additional moisture by special skin creams.

The best time to whitening procedures - evening. Allow your skin to relax and recover at night. After the use of masks or creams, avoid direct sunlight.

The use of whitening cosmetics does not give instant results. So be patient, visible effect appears after 2-3 weeks.

And finally ...

I would like to say a few words in favor of freckles. Before you askhow to get rid of freckles allAsk yourself why you do it? Often the problem is not in these small speck on the body, but in our head. Do we want to be like any of the stereotyped beauties or simply afraid of his personality? Or maybe there are better reasons. In any case, it is worth noting that in our environment there are always people ready to make us what we are. Speaking specifically about the freckles, it is safe to note that girls with konopushki like most of the male population. Yes, and in general on sale there are more tools allow you to create the illusion of real facial freckles. And it says that gay freckles are in vogue!

 Tatiana Nikolaeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: freckle way, vitamin, deliverance, Ahromin