How to escape from skin pigmentation

How to escape from skin pigmentation
 Pigment spots are rather an aesthetic problem, but their appearance indicates some malfunctions in the body. Treatment of pigmentation should be carried out in consultation with endocrinologists, physicians or gynecologists.

Pigmented spots may appear in people aged, pregnant women or as a result of internal diseases. Pigmentation depends on the excess or lack of melanin, the main pigment of the skin. Since the staining associated with vitamin deficiency, and enzymes in the body, usually physicians prescribe reception ascorbic, pantothenic, and para-aminobenzoic acid, and the B vitamins in injections combined with antihistamines.

Get rid of pigmentation on the face, you can use agents with a bleaching action. Whitening are hydrogen peroxide, citric and acetic acid, horseradish infused vinegar, protein and protein-salt masks. Ointments and creams containing mercury sufficiently effective to combat pigmentation, but they should not be used more than a week. The widespread use of received funds, exfoliating pigmentation, such as fresh-water sponge, salicylic, lactic acid, hydrochloric acid and benzoic acid.

Eliminate dark spots, you can use a chemical peel. As a result of the procedure dry dead skin cells are removed and there is a clean layer of skin. The skin swells slightly, covered with a crust, and after a time, the end of the rehabilitation period, pigmentation spots disappear.

Another method is to eliminate pigmentation to the skin of liquid nitrogen. This procedure is called krioapplikatsiey. The skin reddens, local redness can last a few days, and then the upper layer of the pigment spots darken, then rejected. This method is good to use to eliminate age spots. To get lasting results, you need to undergo such procedures.

You can whiten the skin and with the help of folk remedies such as parsley and lemon. Place in a bowl about 100 g of crushed roots of parsley, bay of 500 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, cool it, press materials, pour the solution into a glass dish, add lemon juice, close tightly and store in a dark place. Lubricate the dark spots in the mornings and evenings.

Tags: spot, skin, pigmentation