How to achieve smooth skin

How to achieve smooth skin
 Maintain the skin in perfect condition can be at home. To do this, you should regularly perform procedures for its cleansing, nutrition, hydration.
 To the facial skin was smooth, you need to properly take care of it. Should wash twice a day using a cleanser that matches your skin type. After washing, wipe the face of an ice cube, or tonic, and then apply the cream.

Once a week you need to carry out more deep cleaning with a scrub or peel. To begin to hold face over the steam and then apply the cleanser and massage the skin. After peeling necessarily moisten face nourishing cream.

Body skin also needs care. After the shower should be treated with body lotion. Several times a week should be cleaned her scrub, paying special attention to problem areas. As scrub, you can use coffee, sea salt, ground oatmeal.

To get rid of orange peel, and make the skin smooth and delicate, it is recommended to do the wrapping. They can be made of clay, oil, honey, chocolate. Apply the chosen remedy should be to clean skin, then you must wrap the treated areas of the body wrap and wrap myself in a blanket. After 30-40 minutes, the mixture need to rinse and moisturize the body cream. 10-12 procedures the skin will become more smooth and even.

Bath with sea salt also make the skin supple and smooth, raise its tone. Take baths follows the course of 10-15 procedures in a day, for 15-20 minutes. One must take a bath of 400 grams of salt, it may be enriched with essential oils.

Caring for the skin and body, do not forget about your hands and feet. Your skin needs daily greasing protective cream. Once a week to do nourishing mask. To do this, heat up a small amount of olive oil to grease their hands and put on cotton gloves on top. After two hours, remove the gloves and hands wet cloth.

Feet should be treated regularly with a pumice stone, lubricate nourishing cream for the feet. If the skin on the feet cracked and coarsened, help bath with a decoction of potato peelings. Should make them 3-4 times a week. This folk remedy heals cracks, smooth skin back legs.

Tags: skin, face, hand care, foot