Honey as a remedy for cellulite

Honey as a remedy for cellulite
 Many say that cellulite - a problem far-fetched by the women themselves, but it still exists. And from it is still necessary to get rid of. Modern beauty industry offers many cosmetic products and procedures to deal with unattractive orange peel, but no less effective and popular methods based on natural ingredients.

So, a great way to get rid of cellulite is a honey massage.

It can carry out in the absence of allergy for honey. Do yourself a massage quite easy, but you need to be ready to painful sensations and a little dry skin. However, after several such procedures, the discomfort will pass.

Better to massage in the bathroom. You can use any honey, as long as he was not sugared.

Apply honey on problem areas and begin to apply, "clapping" hand to the body, a little pushing and pulling the skin. Thus, you will like "drive" honey thighs or buttocks. On the surface of the palm will gather honey, which gradually becomes whitish-gray. Carefully crafted one surface, go to another.

Having spent the necessary area of ​​your body, wash the honey without applying soap or shower gel. After a while, you can moisten the skin with milk or cream.

In this procedure, your palms create a kind of vacuum that pulls the skin of excess fat and toxins. In addition, this massage improves blood circulation, nourishes the inner tissues. To make the massage more effective, you can buy in a drugstore special vacuum jar. You can use them only if you do not have varicose veins.

Procedure of honey massage should be performed at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes, and within 3-4 weeks you will notice a positive result.

You can also do massage with honey, mixed with sea salt. 2 tablespoons of warm honey should be mixed with 2 tablespoons of salt and the resulting mixture to massage the problem areas.

In addition to massage, to help the fight against cellulite and honey wrap.

Take milk and honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Dissolve in water a few tablespoons of dry milk and add honey. Mix should get the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture was put on the problem areas and wrap them with plastic wrap. With compression need to sit under a blanket at least 20 minutes. After that, the composition can be washed and applied to the skin moisturizer.

In no case can not be applied wraps pregnant women and women with varicose veins.

If you regularly carry out these procedures, and in addition, eat right and move a lot, the beautiful leather trim thighs and buttocks is provided to you.

Tags: honey remedy cellulite massage, body wrap