Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea Salt
 The Dead Sea - a unique place in the world, located at the lowest portion of the land. It is the most salty body of water in the world, which, in fact, is the terminal lake about eighty kilometers in length and width - about seventeen miles. On our planet, there are other, very salty lakes: Lakes and Lake Assal Elton in Russia. However, the mineral composition of the water for its healing properties significantly inferior to the composition of the water of the Dead Sea.

It may be called over-saturated brine, which can not exist practically no living organisms. The density of water of the Dead Sea, containing in one liter to four hundred grams of various minerals, so high that it pushes to the surface body of an adult man who came into the sea on the belt. Dead Sea Salt has unique healing properties. What are these properties, we can learn together with the women's online magazine JustLady.

Dead Sea Salt. Features and benefits

Balneotherapeutic unique properties of water of the Dead Sea are known to people since ancient times: the mud baths on its shores were lined up more Jews and Romans. Annals indicate that on these shores visited the majestic Queen Cleopatra and King Herod himself, who treated in salty hot springs their ailments. Today, people come here from all over the globe. Dead Sea salt is able to cure many diseases, including diseases of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular disease, chronic bronchitis, arthritis, skin diseases, and more.

Of course, to take advantage of the gifts of this magical natural source, in our time, it is not necessary to go to its shores. Has similar properties and commercially availableDead Sea SaltWhich not only makes it easier for some diseases, but also promotes healing and rejuvenation as a whole. Sea salt contains more than 50% magnesium chloride, 14% calcium chloride, over 4% potassium chloride. In addition, it includes another twenty-three minerals and trace elements beneficial effect on our body. This amazing blend of minerals and trace elements is saturated with iodine bromide. Bath with this salt may well replace a visit to the resort. Their effect is almost comparable to the effect of bathing in the sea.

Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea salt. Application

Bath with sea salt - A great way to relieve fatigue and excellent anti-allergy and sedative. List the range of their effects is difficult. After the adoption of such baths are nervous tension, headache, pain in the joints. They perfectly remove fatigue and stress, raise the tone, normalize sleep. Sea salt perfectly rejuvenates the skin, improving its elasticity and activates the metabolism. It - one of the few tools that help alleviate the suffering of patients with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, different types of asthma.

Overall health and boost the immune system with this bath salt is recommended to take a period of ten to fifteen minutes twice a week. The water temperature should not exceed 37 ° C. The usual toning bath is prepared on the basis of 150-200 g of salt in your bath water. She is very good, and pain in the joints, tendons and muscles.

Soothing relaxation bath with Dead Sea salt is prepared in the same way, but the water temperature should be a degree or two above. Duration of treatment - to twenty minutes.

For restoring forcebath with sea salt 200-250 grams of salt required. The water temperature in this case should be between 38 ° C. Take a bath for half an hour. This bath helps release lactic acid, hydrochloric normalizes balance, well reduces muscle fatigue and removes a significant physical and mental fatigue.

For regeneration of the skin and improve its elasticity apply Cleopatra's bath, in which at first slowly rubbing in a circular motion from the toes to the crown and a few spoonfuls of salt from the Dead Sea, mixed with cream. The mixture was then washed with water jet, and then take a bath with warm milk. The result of such baths will not be slow to manifest - the skin becomes smooth, supple and velvety.

After the bath, it is necessary to lie down for half an hour, relax, take a nap.

It should be remembered - for cancer and diseases of the endocrine system bath with Dead Sea salt can not be taken! They are contraindicated in hypertension, any disease in the acute stage, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis and some other diseases. Therefore, before proceeding with these procedures, you should consult with your doctor.
Dead Sea Salt can be used for rinsing the nose with a cold at the rate of two tablespoons of salt per liter of water not warmer than 27 ° C. Use them for compresses for varicose veins and for rinsing the mouth with periodontitis, gingivitis and other diseases.

Dead Sea Salt can be added to food. This is very useful, since it is almost a quarter of the elements of the periodic table and plenty of minerals.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: salt, dead