Depending on your skin type, you can pick their own ice "cocktail". For example, instead of the usual frozen water herbal teas. Normalize the process of the sebaceous glands help the frozen broth from St. John's wort, nettle, mother and stepmother. To make it, take 1 tsp each of the components in 1 cup of purified water. Bring to a boil this mixture cool, strain, pour into containers and freeze. If you have oily skin severely inflamed, add the broth 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.
For dry and normal skin suit frozen broth dill, sage and mint. If you have a fading skin, cook for her chamomile, lime or mint ice. Whiten oily and combination skin will help lemon juice. Mix in a glass of water half a glass of juice and freeze. Instead of lemon juice to whiten skin suit cucumber. Clean the face of any type of blackheads and pimples will help frozen aloe juice. This was mixed with water at the rate of 1: 3.
Prepared ice desirable to use for a week, and then replace the remaining fresh ice cubes. If you wipe your face frozen spring water, it is best not to wipe it with a towel and leave to dry naturally. Wipe your face with fast sliding movements, do not hold the dice for a long time in one place. Do not wash with ice immediately before going into the cold.