How to use cosmetic ice

How to use cosmetic ice
 Ice cubes have a beneficial effect on the skin. Morning of massage will help to cheer up and narrows the pores. In addition, cosmetic ice is a good means for rejuvenation. It is simple to prepare, and the procedure for using it only takes a few seconds.
 Short-term cooling of the surface contributes to narrowing and expansion of the deep vessels. After the massage, ice cubes significantly increases blood flow to the skin and as a result, they improved metabolism. As a result, his cheeks flushed a natural shine and the skin becomes more elastic.

The effect of the ice is most noticeable at a young age, at the first hint of wrinkles, dryness and skin laxity. In adulthood, this procedure does not bring much tangible effect, but it is able to support the skin toned and refresh it.

"Ice" massage is useful to do a couple of times a day. Cubes can be cleaned well and neck and chest area. You should perform this procedure quickly, barely touching the skin or delaying the ice long in one place. This manipulation will bring even more benefits if you do not wipe the skin with a towel and let it dry naturally. Since skin can absorb as much as possible those useful components that are available in the cosmetic ice.

Cubes can be very different composition. The simplest option - to make ice out of the ordinary mineral water. Just pour it into molds and freeze. Better use of non-carbonated water. Ice from the mineral water will fit any skin, as well as blocks of strong green tea.

To remove the inflammatory process, prepare the ice from the infusion of celandine. Brew of herbs in a glass of boiling water, strain and freeze. Such ice helps cleanse the skin from acne. Have a similar property cubes from infusions of chamomile and sage.

Whiten skin and cleanse it from pigmentation helps frozen broth of rice. Wash the rice, boil it until tender. Fold in a sieve and pour in the broth cups and place in the freezer.

Good bleaching properties and has a fruity ice. For its production, you can use lemon juice or grapefruit. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruit, dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture was freeze. After wiping the ice so they do not wash face for 20 minutes.

Tags: cube, leather, Leda, use, wiping