People eating flaxseed oil, which is obtained from flax seeds, has always been healing. It is also noteworthy that its use does not lead to side effects.
What is valuable linseed oil? By unsaturated fatty acids content is twice richer fish oil. It contains 60% alpha linolenic acid (omega-3), 20% linoleic acid (omega-6), 10% oleic acid (omega-9), up to 10% of other unsaturated fatty acids. If omega-6, we can find in other vegetable oils, it is vital for the body element of Omega-3 contains exclusively fish oil and flaxseed oil.
The biological value of flaxseed oil also breaks all records: it has no equal in the number of other edible oils. Vitamin F, which in our body is not synthesized found in flax seed in a significant number - 46%. The value of oil also attaches high content of vitamins A and E. Linseed oil is considered a "living product", and it is recommended to keep it in a dark and cool place, away from heat and direct sunlight.
Have linseed another characteristic: his name is "chimney sweep" vessels of our body: with its use greatly reduced the threat of blood clots. Urologists recommend eating flaxseed oil with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and cardiologists - coronary heart disease. Clinically proven nutrition to the introduction in the diet of healing oil reduces risk of stroke by more than 30%. Doctors say the preventive effect of daily consumption of flaxseed oil in the prevention of heart attacks, and consider it an effective preventive measure in relation to breast cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, thyroid disease.
Since ancient times, the property mentioned flaxseed oil promote healing of damaged tissue, improve the condition of hair and skin. Widely known bactericidal, laxative, diuretic, emollient, anti-inflammatory, enveloping action flax seed oil. Traditional healers include flaxseed oil in recipes for patients suffering from heartburn, ulcers different.
Health benefits of flaxseed oil can be achieved when it is used regularly. One or two tablespoons a day, and you will satisfy your need for full unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are so useful and necessary for our body. Oil can be used as a salad, but frying it is not recommended. Nutritionists recommend this product for those who wants to lose weight: linseed oil is easily digested.
Shelf life in linseed oil is small - up to three months. Turbid, viscous oil which is bitter and smells like varnish, either for food or for cosmetic needs unfit!