In the rubric Aromatherapy: cypress oil
Apricot kernel oil, like most other stone fruit oils (avocado and sweet almond, grapeseed), obtained by cold pressing of apricot pits. This oil is environmentally friendly, natural, containing vitamins A, C, B and F. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, easily assimilable by the body, provides health and normal functioning of cells.
Vitamin F, which in the largest number of apricot oil, accelerates regeneration of skin cells, slows aging and fading, normalize sebum, tightens pores, prevents acne. It gently moisturizes and nourishes the skin, nourishes it with vitamins, restores moisture balance. Which is especially important in the following winter. It is recommended to be used for tired, sagging skin, for infant care, with massage against cellulite and coarse skin.
The oil from apricot seeds liquid, slightly viscous, almost odorless, does not leave a greasy residue on the skin. At homeapricot kernel oilcan replace SPA-center with a significant cost savings.
Everyone knows that the skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. She quickly loses moisture, becomes dry and irritable. In addition to all the sleepless nights and fatigue, primarily affecting the eyes. The oil from apricot seeds can be used as gel for the skin around the eye, either in pure form or in the form of masks.
Wrinkle mask helps with banana and apricot oil. 1 tablespoon crushed banana mixed with a teaspoon apricot kernel oil. Apply the mixture to the eyes, wash off after 20 minutes.
Dark circles under the eyes will help the composition of the grated potatoes, 1 tablespoon oil from apricot pits. Lubricate the skin around the eye with oil, apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Rinse off with green tea or mineral water.
Recently in vogue curvy, curled lashes. And manufacturers carcasses are struggling to provide shoppers weary and beckoning eyes. All would be nothing but ink from the weighting and extension cords are not always to the benefit of the lashes. For weak eyelashes to their "feed up and moisturize" women's magazine suggests using JustLady apricot kernel oil as a cleaning agent to remove makeup and nutritional foundation for the night. It's enough to clean grease with a brush for eyelashes cilia at night. As a result, get strong, lush lashes in 2 weeks.
After a winter skin looks matter. Pale, dehydrated, often scaly. So that the skin does not peel off, make just such a mask: a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of grind apricot kernel oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the peeling of the face, gently massage and leave for 10-15 minutes. After carefully remove with cotton pad soaked in warm water. It can also help and the next mask: 1 tablespoon apricot oil mixed with one teaspoon of glycerin, add 2-3 drops of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of mineral water. All Shake, apply before bedtime, you can not wash off until morning.
Here's another recipe t scrub cleanses and moisturizes the rice milled in a coffee grinder, 1 teaspoon of ground rice mixed with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon Oil apricot pits. Impose mass on a clean face, gently rubbing into the skin. Wash with warm water after 10 minutes.
To prevent skin aging women's magazine JustLady recommends the following mask. Thoroughly mash 1 tablespoon of baking yeast with two tablespoons of warmed milk, add a tablespoon apricot kernel oil. Mask put on face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask is great moisturizes and softens the skin fading, returns a healthy look.
In the fight against cellulite massage will help the mixture on the basis of apricot kernel oil. Its like a foundation, mixed with 2-3 drops of orange, neroli, chamomile, bergamot, patchouli, lavender, rose and ylang-ylang. It is also recommended before a massage to take baths - in a hot bath filled with a mixture add 15 ml of apricot oil and 5 drops of essential oil of lemon, mandarin and grapefruit.
When the pain in the back and joints can try to use apricot kernel oil with 2 drops of sandalwood and lavender oil. Gently rub the sore places every day for 10 days. Help with heartburn following procedure - mix two drops of lemon and peppermint essential oil with 15ml apricot kernel oil and rub this mixture of the solar plexus.
In the care of the hair and scalp apricot kernel oil works wonders. For dry hair at home, you can use shampoo enriched with apricot butter and essential oils. Hair after regular use become obedient, bright and beautiful.
Proper methods of application apricot kernel oil great variety. According to the women's magazine JustLady this unique tool can cope with any problems of the skin, restoring youth and beauty for women.
Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady