To increase the elasticity of the skin and remove cellulite, you can use coffee grounds. To do so will only create a scrub that is right for your skin type. The main component of this tool is, of course, coffee grounds.
If you have delicate or dry skin, it is best to pick up the finely ground coffee. For normal to oily skin, take a conventional or organic coffee coarse. Brew the beverage in the usual way, then press the coffee grounds.
Well then, you can use familiar recipes and show imagination. The easiest option - to mix with the usual thick shower gel. And it means applied to the skin. The gel is better to take a light, airy scent or no scent. There are also more complicated recipes. For example, coffee may be mixed with yogurt or yogurt. After applying this scrub is better to wait a few minutes and then rinse it already.
Add to this cosmetic ingredients can be many. For example, honey, vegetable oil or essential oil, cream, herbal infusions, juices, dairy products or raw egg. These products also help in the struggle for beauty. Select the components that will suit you. For example, if you have oily skin, use lemon juice, and if dry - then vegetable oil.
Apply scrub coffee grounds in the best steamed skin. Then a few minutes necessary to massage the body, giving more time to the problem areas. If you want to not only get rid of cellulite, but also a bit to lose weight, it is best to use a wrap with scrub. Take the coffee grounds a little peppermint essential oil and mix them.
Apply the mass on the problem areas. Then take the usual plastic wrap and wrap it around the body. It is better to make a few layers to create the greenhouse effect.
Top you can wear warm clothes. Hold scrub the skin 30 minutes to 2 hours. This procedure can be repeated two or three times a week. In a month you can feel that your skin has become more soft and smooth, and the volume reduced.
Should not be taken only as a coffee drink. Because it contains antioxidants and substances that help in the fight against cellulite and excess weight. And when you consider the fact that it improves metabolism, it becomes clear that coffee - a great cosmetic.