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Our eyes age issue.
Firstly, zamaskiruesh not experience any means, and secondly, the skin around the eye is particularly sensitive, so all ages faster. This is because the skin around the eye is more subtle, there are no sebaceous glands or fat, protecting from external factors and time.
Therefore, the condition of the skin around the eyes is highly dependent on our facial expressions, as well as how often we three eyes, cry or blink. As a result of these steps, the skin becomes thinner, and it is possible to distinguish a small blood vessels.
As we age, the body reduces the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in the skin loses its elasticity, increases its tendency to dryness, which leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Therefore, it is important to start using anti-aging creams in the early thirties. The sooner you start to use creams, the better will be the fight against wrinkles.
Some women mistakenly believe that the skin around the eyes will approach a normal moisturizer or lotion for the face. Meanwhile, the use of these funds is often only worsens the condition of the skin as the skin around the eyes is too sensitive and requires special care.
Therefore, for the skin around the eyes is best to use anti-aging creams designed specifically for this purpose. They do not cause skin irritation and contains all the ingredients necessary to slow down the aging process. Undoubtedly, such creams - the best defense against the dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes.
Nevertheless, the choice of anti-aging cream should be approached responsibly. Qualitative cream removes dark circles under the eyes, visibly reduce wrinkles and eliminate swelling eyelids.
The effect of anti-aging creams is based on the stimulation proivzodstva new cells, moisturize the skin, improving its elasticity and strengthen located under the eyes of the blood vessels.
The main ingredient of most anti-aging creams - ASC (alpha hydroxy acid). It is this component promotes the formation of new skin cells and at the same time removes dead skin cells. In combination with antioxidants KLA - an effective tool to prevent and eliminate the signs of aging.
But even the best anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes must be used regularly, otherwise the results are not worth the wait. Eliminate dark circles under the eyes helps moisturizing ingredients in the cream. Anti-aging creams contain a lot of vitamins A and D, which are absorbed by the skin and replenish natural stocks of vitamins, which are gradually becoming more scarce due to solar radiation.
There are two main types of anti-aging skin around the eyes: creams and gels. Studies have shown that dry skin is better suited creamy and oily skin and skin prone to edema (especially in the morning) - gel formula.
Before you apply the cream or gel, carefully read the instructions on the package. Remember that any means to cause the skin around the eyes should not be rubbing (it stretches the skin), and lightly pat.
Also do not forget that the age at which it's time to start using anti-aging, just not installed. Beauticians recommend not to delay - anti-aging creams should start using as soon as you notice the first signs of aging.