The most common type of allergic reaction to cosmetics is considered contact dermatitis. Symptoms include itching, peeling skin, and red skin rash. Also, there may be blisters and swelling. You should not comb hives, or may develop complications. Simple contact dermatitis often appears on the eyelids, where the skin is thin and dry.
If such symptoms are formed and the subsequent use of cosmetic products, it is likely, we are talking about the contact and allergic dermatitis. The affected areas in this case are usually the face, ears and neck, but sometimes the reaction can occur in any other place.
Signs of disease occur at different times. Reaction to strong stimuli, such as shortness of breath, there are already a few minutes after exposure to the allergen, weak (eg, soap) - a few days or even weeks. In rare cases, allergies can develop over the years.
There is another kind of allergy to cosmetics. It is called photosensitivity. When this reaction occurs in the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Its symptoms can be seen in those areas of the body which were not shielded from the sun clothes.
Most often provoke an allergic reaction substances that are part of the creams and masks for face and body. These include preservatives that have a high content of "chemistry", perfumes and dyes. Therefore, if the cosmetic product of any brand is causing your allergy, you are advised not to use this brand for some time or permanently, as harmful substances therein are usually the same.
Often the cause of manifestation of an allergic reaction to cosmetics is sensitive skin. Holders of such skin should choose hypoallergenic special tools.
It is desirable to acquire a quality product and a good store. Before buying it is allowed to hold the sample. Tool applied in the crook of the elbow and left the next day. If the allergy is not manifested, this series is suitable for you.
When signs of allergies to cosmetics as soon as possible seem dermatologist or allergist. The doctor will identify the cause of the disease and treatment will to fix it.
Before turning to the doctor can be a little easier condition. For this, clear off all the makeup and wash your eyes with tea or chamomile. For a few days is better to abandon its use, as well as the impact of other external allergens (detergents, pollen, fertilizer and various strong odors).
Take an antihistamine, such as suprastin or tavegil. If these drugs were not available, you can use a decoction of nettles. His need to drink half a liter per day. Such pre-medical help can suppress the development of an allergic reaction to cosmetics and prevent the occurrence of complications.