Women resort to the use of so-called hyaluronic acid fillers. Your attention is invited to make skin resurfacing, after which it is usually fixed contouring procedure. All of these procedures are non-surgical. That much important, they do not take a lot of time. Thus, simplicity and minimal time and resources make such procedures are very popular among modern women.
In addition to the usual already Botox can do and other so-called youth injections. For this hyaluronic acid and applied. All fillers used by many women are gels based with hyaluronic acid. It maintains moisture level of skin cells. It is this happening and their regeneration and restoration.
From its predecessors, ie silicone-based fillers, these variants differ in that after a while completely eliminated from the body. It is very important that the hyaluronic acid fillers have the property hypoallergenic. They did not get off in clumps and not move to nearby tissues. One molecule of an acid holds about more than a hundred water molecules. Therefore, hyaluronic acid provides excellent skin elasticity. All products on the basis of this acid helps to correct facial contour, increase volume, lift the corners of the mouth and remove wrinkles.
Depending on what you want to get in the end, the doctor will choose for you the necessary medication. The result you can brag about six months to a year and a half. It all depends on the drug that was used, and the individual characteristics of your body.
However, not all so rosy as it may seem at first glance. There are some contraindications for the use of hyaluronic acid fillers. The first is the presence of chronic diseases, pregnancy, lactation, poor blood clotting, and skin inflammation.