Color Restoration early enamel leads to good results. The main methods of cleaning the teeth from plaque are regular oral care, the use of special whitening pastes and salves for rinsing after eating, visit the dental office to eliminate dental disease.
When cured plaque nicotine can be used clean teeth using baking soda or sodium salt. Soda or salt is applied to the toothbrush with paste, thereby effectively removed the effects of smoking. But this method can not be applied more often one or two times a week.
Also has a bleaching effect of hydrogen peroxide, which is applied as a lotion for 3-5 minutes on a tooth surface. But sometimes the abuse of the enamel becomes unnatural color.
For smokers preferable to choose a toothbrush with stiff bristles, as it is capable of removing plaque and teeth give a beautiful appearance.
In the usual diet should include the use of carrots, apples, corn in any form that facilitates easy removal of plaque from the nicotine in conjunction with brushing teeth at home and visit the dentist twice a year.
Among modern means to remove plaque from nicotine highest demand ultrasonic method, which is completely painless and harmless to the human body. During the procedure, not only affected by treatment with nicotine teeth and oral mucosa. For snow-white smile can be done polishing the enamel without damage.