Have you ever wondered why we are so indifferent to the pleasant aroma? According to experts, for the modern man a pleasant smell - it is primarily a means to influence the state of his body and spirit, because it sharpens the senses and makes our whole existence brighter.
In addition, we all live in a constant state of stress. The rhythm of our lives, accompanied by endless physical and mental overload, requires the ability to quickly restore their strength. And here, too, can not do without invigorating or relaxing scent.
Aromatherapy Essential Oils or?
We are familiar term "aromatherapy" (literally - "treatment flavors"). Recently, however, there is another term - "Essential Oils" (ie, "the science of flavor"). Scientists working with the American Association of perfume, explain the difference between these two concepts so. Aromatherapy closer to nature, as it uses more folk traditions, fragrant herbs and essential oils. But Arsenal aromacology make the latest scientific achievements. With this Russian aromatherapists in general, agree. But then begins the contradictions! According to American scientists field of application of aromatherapy - it's just creating a nice aura and enjoy the smell, but the Essential Oils allows a real impact on the health and human consciousness. From the standpoint of our experts is just the opposite. And natural essential oils, which, in fact, engaged in aromatherapy, in their opinion, is much more effective than chemically synthesized high-tech products.
Expert Opinion
Aromatherapy is able to influence all that relates to the human body as a whole, his mind, emotions, health, appearance and condition of the skin. But all of this, including the creation of cosmetics should be dealt with only by professionals having medical education. Aromatherapy - this is a very serious science and nothing to do with traditional healing and quackery it has. Its seriousness, for example, confirms the fact that one of the recent Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was obtained for the study of the influence of aromas of essential oils for animals. French aromatherapist and homeopath Jean Valne once said that "aromatherapy - a nuclear homeopathy". That is, one molecule of the essential oil can alter the functioning of the whole organism as distinguished, and the worst. And because the natural oils should only be used in very small concentrations, and only when there is confidence that they will not cause harm to health.
Aromakosmetiks their own hands?
Almost any book on aromatherapy can find numerous tips on how to make a "real" Aromakosmetiks at home. As a rule, they are reduced to recipes as drops of oil and exactly where you want to add to almost instantly turn into a heavenly beauties. You can even stumble upon the recommendation of the admission of the essential oils inside (which really is absolutely unacceptable and extremely dangerous!). And well, if the result of all these experiments will be "only" burn the skin, rather than visceral. Essential oils are so strong biologically active composition, which use them for such purposes alone, you should not!
The only exception - adding them to the bath (provided that you have no contraindications to the use of oils). But it should be in a ratio of 1 drop of oil per 10 liters of water. And this pre-drop must always be mixed with any organic products (milk, alcohol, honey, yogurt and so on. N.), Otherwise the deal to end the burn!
In addition, natural essential oils is very little shelf life. For example, citrus oils are not stored for more than 3 months, and even then, it is desirable, in the refrigerator. Remember that spoiled essential oils are converted into real poison!
Where did come from tips on making aromatherapy cosmetics at home? After writing these books are not charlatans, and aromatherapists! Just as a rule, the authors are those who do not a science, and business - the production and sale of the same essential oils. And the goal is the only one - to promote their products and provide large sales.
Classical aromatherapy
If we talk about the classic aromatherapy, the so-called art of treating diseases with herbal essences - essential oils. This therapy is often called therapy harmony, as it faces not only the body but also for the soul. This person is regarded as a single entity in which any imbalance leads to failure. Therefore, the main task is not aromatherapist solve some specific problems (eg, improvement of the skin), and the recovery of the total balance of the body and the use of its own vitality.
Mandatory condition of true aromatherapy - use only 100% natural essential oils. In this case, the smell of the oil have been created with a specific purpose, like it must be pleasant, or therapeutic effect simply does not arise. And because the ratio to odors at everyone, no absolutely universal recipes in aromatherapy does not exist.
What is well-being cosmetics?
So, at the heart of fashionable now aromatherapy trend in cosmetics is known for many centuries with its natural aromatherapy essential oils. However, the current popularity of fragrant cosmetics are much more connected with the relatively new and difficult translatable into Russian concept of well-being.
The most accurate definition of it - cosmetics wellness. However, well-being - is not only and not so much makeup, but a whole philosophical concept! It is the desire of modern man to a state of inner peace, harmony of soul and body, mental and physical health and pleasure. Moreover, the experts agree that it is not a momentary fashion and trend, which will retain its relevance in the coming decades, as closely linked to the profound changes in society.
Generally, in our time, the beauty is no longer a purely aesthetic category and is perceived through the prism of feelings, sensations and emotions. And the appearance of well-being cosmetics is related to this. And let its manufacturers do not promise a significant therapeutic effect, but they guarantee the pleasure of its application thanks to a pleasant smell, comfortable texture, etc. Such cosmetics does not solve any major problems and can only be used as maintenance therapy and to relieve mental and emotional stress. According to his idea, it combines the beauty of technology and philosophy of the East West: attention to yourself and to the world.
"Prototype" of such cosmetics in your time line steel bath (shower gels, lotions and body creams, deodorants), which the manufacturer of luxury perfumes began to supplement their most successful fragrances. However, the most popular this area was in the last decade, which was especially promoted the emergence of well-being cosmetics class "mass-market" sold in any supermarket. Buying some body lotion with the scent of green tea or shampoo, cucumber and melon-scented, people primarily configured to receive from them pleasure and good mood. It is clear that we expect from such a lotion superuvlazhnyayuschego effect, and from shampoo - to solve the problem of hair falling out, not worth it. Their task is quite different!
However, the direction of well-being popular among manufacturers and selective, pharmacy and professional cosmetics. These funds are intended not only for pleasure but also for long-term care and the gradual improvement of the real condition of the skin and hair. However, they rarely solve some serious problems - such is the feature well-being of cosmetics! Which obviously does not prevent it, according to forecasts, to become one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas in the field of beauty.
The more so that manufacturers take care of every possible way to bring us pleasure not only to its use, but even the process of choosing and buying. For example, no longer have to wonder how you liked the smell means. Tightly sealed packages of cosmetics, which can not smell it in the store, in the past. Now even some scented soap is increasingly available in a special package with the "aroma-holes" to be able to "taste" the smell in the store. And this is not the only example of this cosmetics manufacturers care about our comfort!
What is the difference?
Since classical philosophy as aromatherapy and directions well-being is the influence on the person of different smells, the question arises: why did they give a different effect? And the thing is, what exactly fragrance we inhale, causing the skin fragrant cream. There are three possibilities.
Natural oils
Only they are able to influence a person on three levels: molecular, and psycho-emotional level of the nervous system. Aromakosmetiks based on these essential oils also restores skin needs in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances, and restores the water-salt balance. Using it is cleansed of toxins not only skin cells, but also the entire body as a whole.
Another of its property - a biological selectivity. Essential oils can restore the natural biological processes of the body, what are unable to other substances. For example, unlike many other cosmetic ingredients, penetration into the skin within the epidermis, and essential oils fall into the deeper vascular layer.
All natural essential oils work on the principle of detoxification and have comprehensive capabilities to restore the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, eliminate its sagging, cellulite, acne and other problems.
However, using such a cosmetic can not only act on the skin. Almost immediately the essential oils from the skin into the blood and lymph, and after half an hour already reach the liver and kidneys, and later fall in bone. That's why cosmetics based on natural essential oils can not be used, for example, during pregnancy, renal failure, chronic hepatitis (particularly toxic), and any serious problems with the psyche and the brain. In addition, there is a huge number of individual contraindications.
It is known that natural scents - the most persistent. However, there is one subtlety - add some special essential oils in cosmetics and perfumes can cause addiction and dependence.
Natural essential oils recovered
However, fortunately (or unfortunately?) Only very few, largely professional use in their brand cosmetics are 100% natural essential oils. It is easiest to determine the packing. If bottles and jars made of a transparent and not very dark glass, hence, the cosmetics are based on natural oils recovered which exhibit natural scent, but with a mixed chemical ingredients. Compared to these essential oils, they are cheaper, longer kept, and all of their effect on the body (both positive and negative) is considerably weaker. This means that such cosmetics, on the one hand, is less effective, and on the other hand - more secure.
Chemically synthesized flavoring
In the majority of assets belonging to the well-being cosmetics (as, indeed, in almost all modern perfumes) are not used natural oils, and chemically synthesized substances. No therapeutic effect, they certainly do not have, and their psychotherapeutic effects associated with our associative memory. Inhaling chemically synthesized scent of rose, vanilla and grapefruit, on a subconscious level, we are reminded that the emotional pleasure that once got in reality.
This is the case now, but what will happen to aromatherapy cosmetics in the future? Experts predict that every year the range of flavors offered by positively influencing our state and mood, will grow. And if recently bath foam, smelling lemon cake or cocoa looked exotic, something ahead of us and not so!
Fragrances will win before they are far from cosmetic niche. For example, until recently, pleasant fruity aromas differed only the cheapest (or children), lipstick and lip gloss. Serious manufacturers apply to such tricks with disdain. However, in the near future, the situation will change. Moreover, this will involve not only the means for the lips, but also makeup at all.
But the desire for individuality of modern man will soon lead, according to forecasts, the mass creation of cosmetics on the principle of "do it yourself" or "on demand" when the company will offer the client to choose a fragrance for beloved product. Whether there will be!