Common form of preparation facial scrub at home is a means of drinking coffee with the dried yogurt or heavy cream in a ratio of 1: 3. Massage the skin resulting mixture is recommended 2 to 5 minutes.
Another recipe for a gentle scrub is crushed in a coffee grinder rice and buckwheat. This soft powder fashionable to use at least every day.
Fragrant and useful for the skin strawberry considered scrubs. Pour 6 tablespoons salt 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 - 6 strawberries. It has a cleansing, whitening and antiseptic properties. Peeling of berries may be used in pure form. Mashed pulp of which moisturizes the skin and supplies it with vitamins.
A good tonic effect has scrub consisting of 2 tablespoons raspberries. Mash it and add into mush by drop of peppermint oil and ylang-ylang.
For dry and sensitive skin is appropriate oatmeal scrub. Crushed in a coffee grinder flakes divorced milk or water until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin and massage 1 - 2 minutes.
You can use the scrub of sea salt. Add the sour cream, cream, or olive oil. Dry skin is also suitable powder bran and oatmeal.
Sensitive tool for sensitive skin is peeling from potato starch. It should be wet, squeeze lightly and wrapped in gauze. This swab and gently massage the skin. This recipe is also suitable for women who want to lighten it.
For all skin types except sensitive suit scrubs chopped salt and sugar. They are mixed with milk for the face, cream, sour cream or honey.
For oily skin is considered useful scrub made from oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp milled rice and tablespoon olive oil.
For the inflamed skin is better to use a scrub with herbs. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal mixed with 1 tsp powder dry chamomile or lavender. In the resulting mass lavandnogo added a few drops of oil and water. The mixture is applied to the skin for 3 - 4 minutes, then washed with warm water.
After applying the scrub should be applied on the skin nourishing and moisturizing agents - a cream or lotion. Such procedures are very pleasant, take a little time to prepare and helpful. And the effect is smooth and delicate skin, as they say, on the face.