Rose and petals - beauty and health

Rose and petals - beauty and health
 Rose petals! How romantic it sounds! How often disappears pink litter in the flower garden. But the rose and its petals are a valuable raw material for the manufacture of various cosmetics, and even at home. And this is for the rose petals is not the limit.

Immediately it is worth noting that the use of rose petals collected from wilted bouquets purchased is not recommended, as they are, for better preservation, treated with pesticides, and therefore will not bring benefits to health.

What can be done with rose petals, if you are the owner of a priceless fragrant natural product?

- Rose oil. For its preparation must take three full glasses of rose petals (dry), then pour the oil (almond or peach) and heated in a water bath. Discoloration of petals is an indicator of readiness amazing oil which can be used to remove makeup.

- Rose water. To do this you need to collect the petals before sunrise until evaporated essential oils. Then put them in the distillation apparatus (can moonshine), heat and collect vaporized liquid, which is a fragrant rose water. Acceptable to use as a lotion, and can also be used for dizziness, sciatica and cold.

- Rose petals. In almost trampled fresh rose petals can be applied to the face that gives the skin an amazing freshness and elasticity. Fresh petals permissible simply place the prepared warm bath and then breathe a fragrant aroma, which has a beneficial effect.

- Pink dreams. Rose petals and promote sound sleep. If you make a small pad of pink dry petals, the dream of a truly nice pink dreams. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number, otherwise excessive fragrance will give the opposite effect and will not fall asleep. In addition, the cover should be made of thick fabric, as the petals turn into dust and penetrate the fibers. Pads or bags of this kind can be spread among the linen, which acquires an excellent flavor.


- Face mask. Pink petals of two rosebuds put in half a cup of alcohol and put into a dark place for up to 2 days. In the resulting filtered tincture add the melted honey and whipped egg yolk. Applied to the mask for 10-20 minutes and then wash it with warm water. Make desirable a procedure 2-3 times a week.

- Mask neckline. Grind rose petals (can be dry), to make them heavy cream and whip. The resulting pink and creamy tenderness put on décolleté and cover. Rinse with water after 10-20 minutes. This mask has a striking effect.

- Rejuvenating Mask. To prepare two tablespoons of rose petals should be very finely chop and pour warm water so that a thick mass, warm water bath for 10 minutes and apply on face and neck (20 min before). Then remove the mask and rinse face with warm water.

Rose and petals - this is quite expensive if you have to buy pink funds in the trading network. However, if you have the opportunity to prepare their own unique and environmentally friendly pink products, it is necessary to take advantage of this. And you'll see - your efforts will not be wasted for nothing!

Tags: man, mask, beauty, health, petal