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Vitamin E for skin
Skin - an important indicator of the state of the body. Lack of any nutrients and vitamins immediately reflected in its appearance. If your skin began to peel off, there was irritation - it is likely that the body was formedvitamin E deficiency.
Studies have shown that vitamin E (tocopherol) is able to maintain youthful skin. It accelerates cell renewal, helps to protect the epidermis from UV radiation. Therefore, vitamin E is present in the composition of many cosmetic products for face, hands and body.Cream with Vitamin E soothes, promotes healing of wounds and fractures, reduces inflammation.
Face Cream with Vitamin E releasing the leading manufacturers of cosmetic products. So, in a series of Oriflame Essentials presented cream for different types of skin with vitamin E. For sensitive - Soothing extract series Smoothing Face Cream, for normal - reducing Revitalising Face Cream, Oily - Cream normalizing Balancing Face Cream. Also cosmetics for the face with vitamin E is produced under the brand name Green Mama (cream "Ussuri hop and vitamin E), Clinique (Repairwear Intensive Night Cream).Hand creams with vitamin E can be found in Avon (Rich Moisture, moisturizing), Bielita (cream for hands and nails with vitamin E). Nivea proposed mitigationBody Cream with Vitamin E and jojoba oil Nivea Soft.
Cream with Vitamin E can be cooked at home. You will need:
1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers;
½ teaspoon of glycerin;
1 teaspoon of castor oil;
1 teaspoon of camphor oil;
A few drops of oil solution of vitamin E.
Chamomile flowers pour boiling water and let stand for 1 hour, then strain. In 2 tablespoons of infusion add glycerin, castor oil and camphor, vitamin E. All carefully grind and leave (to cool). The resulting cream can store in refrigerator up to 5 days. He is well softens dry skin and eliminates peeling.
Face mask with vitamin E
Face mask with vitamin Ealso have a soothing and nourishing effect. They are also easy to prepare at home, here are some recipes.
Soothing Mask with Vitamin E for oily skin
2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
15 drops of lemon juice;
4-5 drops of oil solution of vitamin E.
All mix, apply on clean face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After rinse thoroughly with water and wipe the face with ice cubes.
Nutritional curd mask with vitamin E for dry skin
2 tablespoons of cottage cheese;
1, 5-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil;
Several drops of vitamin E in the oil.
Mix and apply on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse.
Vitamin E - An effective tool to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. In particular, it is good to use for the prevention of stretch marks on the chest and abdomen mixture of olive oil with vitamin E. Cook means easy. 1 tablespoon of olive oil mixed with 650 mg of vitamin E (100 drops of 30% oil solution or 300 drops of 10% solution of vitamin E), shake well. Massaging the resulting mixture with streamers zone 2 times a day.
Vitamin E for hair
Vitamin E strengthens the hair perfectly and enhances their growth, and treats the scalp. Butlack of vitamin E in the body often leads to hair loss. Masks of vitamin E and vegetable oils (burdock, jojoba and others) to help restore damaged and over-dried hair, to prevent their fragility. Vitamin E also be useful to those who are trying to grow long hair.
Nourishing Hair Mask with Vitamin E and jojoba oil
1stolovaya spoon burdock oil;
1stolovaya tablespoon of jojoba oil;
1chaynaya spoon vitamin E oil.
Stir the ingredients, put the entire length of the hair close head plastic bag and leave for 1 hour. After thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo and apply a nourishing balm conditioner. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week for a month.
Hair Mask with Vitamin E and olive oil
1 tablespoon burdock oil;
1 tablespoon almond oil;
1 tablespoon olive oil;
1 teaspoon oil solution of vitamin E.
All mix, apply on hair (for dry skin - including roots), leave for an hour, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
You can also find readyhair mask with vitamin E cosmetic supermarkets.
Do not neglect vitamin E, and your skin will long to please their healthy appearance, and her hair - natural luster. For maximum effect, useVitamin E not only externally, but also include foods rich in them, in the daily diet.
Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady