First of all oily skin needs to be cleansed. After all, a person shine - it is nothing, as a consequence of too active of the sebaceous glands of your skin. All procedures that you spend with the person should be directed to the removal of excess fat, then disinfect and their restrictions. But it also has one little rule: too aggressively can not clean the skin. Use of Sears it often leads to a complete water washout. Oddly enough, but oily skin could peel off and even crack. Therefore, carefully choose the means to care.
But after a thorough cleansing, when the pores are open and not clogged sebaceous secretion and bacteria, it's time to put a special mask, which narrows them and will have a disinfecting effect. Of course, you can buy a mask and a pharmacy, but the best option is to use natural ingredients mask. It's much fresher and more useful all that is sold in stores, in addition, it is often homemade recipes to help get rid of skin problems quickly and permanently.
The most ancient and proven means for drying the skin is considered an ordinary yogurt. Carefully apply it on your face, gently massaging fingers, and let dry. Keeping such a mask can be from 10 to 25 minutes. Acid found in kefir, dries the skin, giving it a sense of ease and comfort, and dairy fats care for the person making the skin soft and velvety to the touch.
Excellent drying effect has a mask of white clay. It can be used independently, without any additives, and mixing with honey, sour cream and lemon juice. In this case, you will get excellent nourishing mask that tightens pores, has a bleaching effect and preserves youth and beauty. Rumor has it that it was this mixture put on the face of Cleopatra.
By the way, the lemon juice - an excellent remedy for oily skin. It can be added to many masks quite fearlessly. Try to mix a spoonful of milk with yeast and lemon juice until smooth and apply a mask on your face. Yeast nourish the skin, supplying it with essential vitamins and trace elements, tightens pores and lemon has a bleaching effect, and milk gives nourishing and moisturizing foundation.
Which option would you choose, remember that oily skin requires constant attention. It is more finicky and capricious than the skin is dry or normal, but the holders of this type of skin longer look young and attractive. Learn to love your skin and treat it with respect. Only then will care for her turn to you from boring duties in a pleasant procedure.